[x3d-public] Python X3D Resource Examples conversion script available (alpha quality)

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 19:44:39 PST 2018


Is now available for use. It takes  X3D files in www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples and converts them to python in two ways.  Then it runs the python files, which is somewhat less successful. (I’ll have to install X3Dautoclass.py as a package somewhere, or set PYTHONPATH Or something).   A python expert would be welcome.

At a maximum, python 3.6.7 should be installed and working. Python 3.7 is not known to work. Ports are welcome.

You can run:

$ ant

In the pyjnious folder o generate and run python


$ ant processScenes.python

To run python (lots of errors, contributions welcome).

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