[x3d-public] X3D meeting minutes 9 AUG 2019:
Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV)
brutzman at nps.edu
Fri Aug 9 09:40:31 PDT 2019
Attendees: Vince Marchetti, Dick Puk, Don Brutzman
1. Web3D and SIGGRAPH Conference Progress
Web3D 2019 was tremendous with around 55-60 people attending. The online program includes many of the presentations. Papers and posters are available in ACM Digital Library.
Web3D 2019, Los Angeles CA
Web3D 2019 Program at a Glance
Not yet in digital library, but a search for "Web3D" yields 573 responses.
ACM Digital Library
Of especial note were the workshops and special events.
a. *Medical Workshop* demonstrated and evaluated the use of 3D data plotting enabled by X3D for presentation of clinical test data. The keynote presentation by Dr. Ed Hammond described numerous challenges and opportunities, and also indicated a clear future path for how X3D might become part of medical informatics.
b. *Metadata Workshop* included an outstanding presentation by Jamie Wittenberg on demonstrated generation of X3Dv4 ontology
c. *Korea Chapter meeting covered multiple topics*
- Implementation progress showed for C/C++/C# and a Python X3D player. Releases requested/expected soon.
- Close examination of human organ models revealed that they might be directly represented with existing HAnimV2 nodes.
- We again requested that Mixed Augmented Reality (MAR) work be shared with Web3D participants, and shared more widely to begin the broader recognition and influence that is needed.
d. Industrial Use Cases Workshop again showed multiple interesting enterprise capabilities emerging from alignment of standards.
2. *TODO Conference Followups*
a. Some presentations are still missing, please send to Web3D Consortium Secretary Vince Marchetti vmarchetti at kshell.com.
b. Don has more images to post on Twitter. It was fun! We have good coverage of the first day already.
c. Stay tuned...more presentations, awards for Best Papers and also Humanoid Animation (HAnim) videos will come soon!
3. *Web3D 2020*
Exciting news: preliminary announcement has been released for
25th International ACM Conference on 3D Web Technology
June 24-26, 2020, Seoul, South Korea
Organized by ACM SIGGRAPH and Web3D Consortium in cooperation with Korea Computer Graphics Society.
* Paper submission: February 22, 2020
* Tutorial&Workshop submission: March 2, 2020
* Demonstration submission: April 6, 2020
* Posters submission: April 6, 2020
* Industrial use cases submission: May 6, 2020
* HAnim competition: May 6, 2020
* Tutorial/workshop acceptance: April 6, 2020
* Paper/poster/demo acceptance: April 13, 2020
* Camera-ready paper/poster/demo: April 23, 2020
We are also preparing plans for a VR/AR/3D Printing/3D Scanning/Makers Hackathon of some sort. Hmmmm...
We are looking for additional volunteers, for program reviewers and also committee members. This is an exceptional opportunity, please consider it.
We are also preparing a proposal to
SIGGRAPH 2020: Think Beyond
Washington, DC 19-23 July 2020
for a very special session,
Fast Forward: First 25 Years of Web3D Conferences!
Web3D has a huge body of work to build upon, and X3Dv4 is the culminating combination of a great deal of this progress. All fundamental progress has been achieved cooperatively - the Web is a big place. Looking forward to continued progress together.
4. *Upcoming Topics for X3D Group*
You can track "big picture" at
X3Dv4 Implementations
Lots of interesting work planned for this month:
a. Weekly Wednesdays 16-1700, X3Dv4 specification editor teleconferences for github spec and mantis resolution. Participation welcome.
b. 15 AUG: PointProperties refinements (Design Printing Scanning Working Group).
c. 16 AUG: Michalis Kamburelis, glTF, Physically Based Rendering (PBR) and Advanced Lighting Model.
d. 23 AUG: Nicholas Polys and Ander Arbelaiz, spec prose for volume component extensions (ImageAtlas and MPR)
+ 23 AUG: Andreas Plesch, Custom elements in HTML5 and X3D prefixes
e. 30 AUG: Annotations Component next steps. Suggest consider a possible reset: hold on current spec draft, confirm requirements/goals, see what is possible with HTML5+X3D.
f. newly proposed User Experience (UX) Working Group: formative discussions on goals have begun, when those individuals are ready with a draft UX Working Group Charter please present summary to X3D Working Group for cooperative development.
g. In progress: refinements to X3D Unified Object Model (X3DUOM) with corresponding updates to
- X3D Python Language Binding
- X3D Ontology
- X3DJSAIL: X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library
- X3D Tooltips
All activity and feedback welcome. Have fun with X3D! 8)
all the best, Don
Don Brutzman Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270, MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman
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