[x3d-public] X3D Dinobook, request for cocreators or good searching

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Wed Dec 4 14:30:34 PST 2019

Does anyone want to help create coloring books of dinosaurs in
VRML/X3D/VR/AR/XR?  I'm guessing we can do something like take dinosaur 3D
models from popular movies and reduce them to B&W through edge detection
and enhancement.  Or just use these with permission:
Once we have them colored, we project them back into 3D and have them
wander around the scene, play tag, hide and seek, etc.

Just what a little web search brings up:

Imagineering: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1085105428192466


I guess I'm 5 years behind, at least, or more like 40.  I don't see any
commercial versions, but I haven't done extensive searches.

I think it would be a lot of fun for kids to have their own herd.

What might be the pain points in X3D that would need to be developed
for X3Dv4.1?  I have HAnim (I've heard you Joe) as one.

One thing I've done a bit of work on is using a movie texture on a sphere.
I think the coloring tool would require something similar, but perhaps it
would work well with just a HTML5 canvas capture.

Better web searching than mine would be wonderful.  It would be a lot
easier to find something than develop it.

John Carlson
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