[x3d-public] beyond Blinn-Phong: PBR

Andreas Plesch andreasplesch at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 06:13:52 PST 2019

The exploding gltf's scene below works also pretty well on an older mid
range cell phone which I just tested. -Andreas

On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 12:08 PM Andreas Plesch <andreasplesch at gmail.com>

> Since we are getting closer to x3dom merging in gltf2 inline support in
> its dev. version, here a first example of multiple gltf inlines, using an
> older x3dom scene:
> https://rawcdn.githack.com/andreasplesch/x3dom/b34506419c8877884501143b122cbcbd287abb43/test/regression-suite/test/cases/routes/routes.html
> Using multiple levels of instancing, the scene has ca. 180 shapes
> consisting of ca. 500K triangles. It plays well on my desktop but I did not
> try on mobile.
> It also shows a regular x3d material (the x3d box) next to gltf PBR
> materials (the duck, fish, boombox and avocado).
> -Andreas
> On Sat, Jan 26, 2019 at 3:39 PM Andreas Plesch <andreasplesch at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 26, 2019, 8:14 AM Joseph D Williams <joedwil at earthlink.net
>> wrote:
>>>    - All glTF syntax have a large binary component (the 'buffer') which
>>>    contains the bulk of the data (geometry, animation, textures).
>>> Thanks Andreas, all real nice coverage.
>>>    - Should there be a way for a X3D scene to control animations in an
>>>    inline glTF ?
>>> Is there an inline gltf that contains enough data to generate and
>>> control animations?
>>> How about if the inline can perform like a video,
>>> start/stop/showmetadata?
>> I think the video clip analogy could be a useful concept. In fact, gltf
>> viewers often have the typical media controls to play animations. There may
>> be additional interface to select which clip is played (run, jump ..,
>> pumping, circling), and at which speed (overriding the authored speed).
>>> An inline gltf may be a container consisting of several gltf files made
>>> up from a list somewhere?
>> A gltf currently cannot reference or include other gltfs. I think I saw
>> that suggested for the future, but the general feel is that it is focused
>> on single assets rather than complex scenes.
>> hm, what would be the difference of having multiple inlines with single
>> gltfs ?
>> Then this gltf mass also skips validation and has its own runtime?
>>> And can talk to the parent scene using data and commands with standard
>>> and custom interfaces?
>>> Do some gltf need its own sandbox?
>>> I think I still look at gltf resources simply as inert data containers
>>> you are using for some sort of convenience or protection in your
>>> application of realtime interactive immersive 3D for the WorldWildWeb. .
>> Yes, a 3d image or video. There should not be an expectation to modify
>> the gltf content, just control included animations.
>>> Some gltf structures are appropriate for identification as being usable
>>> as x3d native binary assets because the data can be identified as a trusted
>>> external asset by x3d authortime and possibly used directly without further
>>> processing by runtime. When those overlap you can at least get tooltips and
>>> hopefully actual feedback.
>>> At the first level the gltf must be a convenient highly optimized
>>> container for one or more strongly typed x3d field values to be plugged
>>> directly into one or more basic x3d containers. In this, the gltf is
>>> available at authortime, just that it is a ‘external’ binary thing that
>>> does not need to be human-readable. Well, sure, some metadata.
>>> But hey, the big problem is not that the data structures of the
>>> authortime and runtime has diverged, just that they may be basically
>>> different due to different considerations. Maybe see Humanoid where the x3d
>>> authortime uses each joint as a container for the skin animation vertex
>>> bindings, while a gltf may seem to prefer using each skin vertex as the
>>> container for the bound joints at one step which gives no indication
>>> concerning from where the instant data was derived. The first is in this
>>> case a clear authortime consideration, the second may be a preferred best
>>> practice data structure implemented by a ‘standard’ or consensus runtime.
>>> The first is based on how a human can organize a complex interactive object
>>> from the top down while the second may expose one deep aspect of one
>>> discrete step in a complex process the vizualization machine takes to
>>> produce one tiny part of one flash of one frame.
>>> However, when data is the same, why not transport some of it between the
>>> gltf environment which is optimized for runtime and x3d which is optimized
>>> for authortime? Fine, when the data fits. Let’s do it.
>> Much of gltf can be translated into x3d plus pbr material with an offline
>> translator (to be). Direct gltf support for Inline raises questions which
>> can be separated out.
>> Now that x3dom has pretty good gltf inline support I am interested to see
>> how it integrates with interactive and scene x3d features. First would be
>> just having multiple gltfs in a scene.
>> Andreas
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Joe
>>> *Subject: *Re: [x3d-public] beyond Blinn-Phong: PBR
>>> A response below
>>> Message: 2
>>> Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2019 02:27:53 -0800
>>> From: Joseph D Williams <joedwil at earthlink.net>
>>> To: Andreas Plesch <andreasplesch at gmail.com>,  Michalis Kamburelis
>>>         <michalis.kambi at gmail.com>
>>> Cc: X3D Graphics public mailing list <x3d-public at web3d.org>
>>> Subject: Re: [x3d-public] beyond Blinn-Phong: PBR
>>> Message-ID: <E1glWo5-0007qm-6l at elasmtp-dupuy.atl.sa.earthlink.net>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>> ? ? glTF supports animation of transformation components but does not
>>> define exactly when an animation is played,
>>> So, if I remember, as if I just awoke from a long sleep, then the gltf
>>> is to provide a secure and reliable way to transport carefully defined data
>>> structures into and out of either an unknown authortime or a known runtime.
>>> Maybe I am focusing of the binary forms for various gltf syntax.
>>> Yes, glTF is supposed to be transport format to be used inbetween
>>> authortime and runtime. Its design goal is to avoid friction for the
>>> runtime to render on the screen using a limited subset of OpenGL (webGL) at
>>> the expense of authortime legibility. All glTF syntax have a large binary
>>> component (the 'buffer') which contains the bulk of the data (geometry,
>>> animation, textures).
>>> glTF can be validated. But it does not have built-in security to guard
>>> against tampering and such. Systems need to provide their own security
>>> layer around glTF where required.
>>> gltf took collada and the rest into the deepest parts of best practice
>>> highly optimized data structures of mesh and field simulations in a form
>>> the best practice realtime 3D graphics processing tools wanted to get it --
>>> Validated trusted secure binary the runtime can swallow without chewing.
>>> The runtime can import this binary directly because the runtime is a
>>> ?standard? runtime using  ?standard? known best-practice runtime data
>>> structures. These data structures are defined by the preferred forms for
>>> binary data used directly by geometry and animation processors. The gltf
>>> incidentally has an authortime text form to provide systematic
>>> human-readable editing and validation, but the human-readable form is just
>>> to allow data specialists to define carefully denominated strongly typed
>>> definitions for the binary form actually used by features of the runtime.
>>> The geometry, animation and shading processor targeted are GPU shading
>>> programs. Although initially targeted at GLSL, wide support has shown that
>>> there is enough abstraction to allow other platforms as well although I do
>>> not know how much effort this required.
>>> The x3d deals mainly with the authortime form and does not define any
>>> runtime data structures except for runtime external and internal scenegraph
>>> event flows. An x3d tool would be expected to produce its internal runtime
>>> structures from the ?standard? x3d user code according to its needs. The
>>> great purpose of gltf is to provide a known binary form that accurately
>>> reflects known expectations of the runtime.
>>> A comprehensive x3d authortime tool might have an accessory to directly
>>> import and use certain text forms of gltf if the data types and structures
>>> are the same. Likewise, an x3d runtime might be able to directly import and
>>> use certain binary forms. Or, any combination thereof.
>>> There are the parallel options of translating glTF to x3d which is
>>> currently possible for geometry and transform animations, and treating glTF
>>> as inline, inert, jpg-like content. A translator could always be used at
>>> authortime and provides most flexibility. glTF inline has the advantage
>>> that it can be easier to implement and preserves 'swallowing without
>>> chewing'. New x3d nodes such as PhysicalMaterial or BufferView/Accessor for
>>> binary data can be imagined as internal helpers or as spec. worthy x3d
>>> additions.
>>> Since the gltf is defined and supported by the same folks who developed
>>> the concepts behind realistic accelerated realtime 3D Graphics, from which
>>> x3d is derived, then we might expect that gltf would be of great use to x3d.
>>> glTF has wide industry support. Incidentally, PBR was not part of glTF
>>> 1.0, which required content to provide its own shaders.
>>> ? ? but does not define exactly when an animation is played,
>>> So far, the gltf does not define an interactive runtime that I have seen
>>> (please send a link if there is), although I think I have seen authoring
>>> that defines sets of gltf data and seen runtimes that use sets of gltf
>>> files to produce an animated scene.
>>> You are right. Animation is seen as clips made available to the runtime
>>> in the context of a larger scene. glTF just provides the storage. The
>>> runtime needs to provide interactivity and logic.
>>> Should there be a way for a X3D scene to control animations in an inline
>>> glTF ? If so how ? Using standardized DEF  names for (virtual) TimeSensor,
>>> Interpolator nodes from the glTF ?
>>> Thanks and Best,
>>> Joe
>>> From: Andreas Plesch
>>> Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2019 6:31 PM
>>> To: Michalis Kamburelis
>>> Cc: X3D Graphics public mailing list
>>> Subject: Re: [x3d-public] beyond Blinn-Phong: PBR
>>> Timo Sturm provided these nodes. The main work is to get to the gltf
>>> data to a special shader which in itself is not complex. I think the goal
>>> is to proceed to an overdue x3dom release after consolidating into
>>> development release with what we have. There would be some time to make
>>> adjustments to node signatures perhaps focusing on PhysicalMaterial.
>>> The flipped Y axis for texture coordinate is handled in the fragment
>>> shader:
>>> https://github.com/x3dom/x3dom/blob/webVR/src/shader/ShaderPBRMaterial.js#L124
>>> The 1 - coord.y should not have a noticeable performance impact. There
>>> is currently no way to access the gltf texture coordinates from the x3d
>>> scene.
>>> glTF supports animation of transformation components but does not define
>>> exactly when an animation is played, just how long a cycle is. x3dom just
>>> plays and loops them but could opt to play once or not play and just
>>> provide the equivalent Timesensor, Interpolator and ROUTE nodes for the
>>> scene to use as it wants. On the other hand there is no way to EXPORT from
>>> a gltf inline.
>>> -Andreas
>>> On Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 3:21 PM Michalis Kamburelis <
>>> michalis.kambi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Andreas Plesch <andreasplesch at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > For glTF inline support, PBR shading will be required. The glTF spec.
>>> has an example implementation for PBR but for anybody who wants to dive in
>>> more, there is the free
>>> >
>>> > http://www.pbr-book.org
>>> >
>>> > It seems somewhat artificially inflated and is based on ray tracing
>>> but explains the foundational PBR concepts in depth, and in code.
>>> >
>>> > I just wanted to share that resource but will point out that x3dom
>>> will have a PhysicalMaterial node and an EnvironmentLight node which are
>>> used by the glTF loader.
>>> >
>>> Cool! I also want to define PhysicalMaterial and EnvironmentLight in
>>> Castle Game Engine, for interoperability with glTF. It will be good to
>>> converge on a single specification for these nodes, and eventually add
>>> it to the X3D 4 specification :) We have the same goals (achieve PBR
>>> in X3D, and achieve it in a way that makes glTF 2.0 -> X3D conversion
>>> straightforward), so I'm sure this will be possible.
>>> I don't have an exact specification yet (my rough ideas are on
>>> https://github.com/michaliskambi/x3d-tests/wiki/How-to-add-PBR-to-X3D%3F
>>> , this page collects thoughts and info from our talks on x3d-public :)
>>> ).
>>> Regards,
>>> Michalis
>>> --
>>> Andreas Plesch
>>> Waltham, MA 02453
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>>> --
>>> Andreas Plesch
>>> Waltham, MA 02453
> --
> Andreas Plesch
> Waltham, MA 02453

Andreas Plesch
Waltham, MA 02453
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