[x3d-public] Do modern browsers DO VRML??

cbullard at hiwaay.net cbullard at hiwaay.net
Sat Feb 16 18:25:17 PST 2019

XML has very few "advanced features".  It is strictly speaking, a  
syntax standard.  It insists on a Draconian parse model, aka, halt and  
catch fire.   Most of the time when people are talking about XML  
advanced features, they are actually talking about the applications,  
not XML itself.  If that is confusing, yes there is some basic  
grounding in comp-sci one needs before going much further.

Understanding XML as that is something one wants to know; otherwise,  
there are input errors one will not understand.  That said, it isn't  
very hard.   It is precise.  Matched tags, matched attribute quotes,  
no overlaps in trees (proper nesting), a few reserved characters.    
Code is code.  When one gets to namespaces, pay very good attention to  
examples.  Imprecision in this will be disastrous.  It will indeed,  
halt and catch fire.

The DOM tree is based on the concepts of a fully parenthetical tree as  
enabled by the parse tree (eg, elements, attributes).  Past these, one  
leaves the XML standard and is in the object model of the application,  
Javascript, etc.

While here:  X3Dom is a subset of X3D.   It is a good place to start  
because it is simpler and works in most modern HTML browsers.  XML is  
a subset of SGML but you don't have to care about that these days.

None of these are significant hurdles.  Making things easier while  
still upwardly compatible has been a major goal of X3D/VRML  
development from it's earliest days.

Go to the X3Dom page and follow the examples.  No stress.


Quoting vmarchetti at kshell.com:

> No, you will not need to be proficient in XML to start learning X3D.
> The XML encoding of X3D does not use the more complex features of XML.
> The key to success is remembering that though XML 'looks like' HTML,  
> most XML parser are intolerant of not closing tags.
> Most developers' text editors can detect XML syntax errors.
> Moreover, as discussed earlier, you can make good progress learning  
> X3D and continue using VRML syntax.
>> On Feb 16, 2019, at 9:07 AM, iam here <iamhereintheworld at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >If you haven't picked a text editor, Notepad++ is free and has the  
>> features you >need for XML.
>> Well, I'd like to use the Geany that I have here, on my Linux system......
>> *Will I need to know XML first before I can start reading about  
>> X3D*??? (I don't really have much of a clue about it....)
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