[x3d-public] Number of nodes, standard vs X3DUOM

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sun Jan 20 22:16:52 PST 2019

If we added the list of statements to the concrete list, it would be close to the same.   Whew.


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: John Carlson
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2019 11:54 PM
To: X3D Graphics public mailing list; Don Brutzman
Subject: Number of nodes, standard vs X3DUOM

Number of concrete nodes in the 3.3 standard = 251   WorldInfo is 3.250
~/X3D/ISO-IEC 19777/ISO-IEC 19777-4/ISO-IEC
 19777-4 V3.3/ISO-IEC 19777-4 V3.3 CD/Part04
href="#X3D">C.3.251 X3D                             
WorldInfo is
•  C.3.234 WorldInfo 

In code generated from ConcreteNodes X3DUOM for 3.3 is 234

WorldInfo is
•  C.3.235 WorldInfo 

In code generated from ConcreteNodes  X3DUOM for 4.0 is 235

I am concerned that the figure for X3DUOM 3.3 is so distant from the standard.

Files I am working with included.

If more detail is needed, let me know.

Will we be moving X3Dv3.3 backwards when X3dV4 comes out?


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