[x3d-public] Removal of Layout component in X3D v4

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Tue Oct 8 07:05:04 PDT 2019

>From the point of view of Castle Game Engine / view3dscene, I can
support both Holger's suggestions :)

1. While we don't implement Layout component *yet* in CGE, it does
seem useful and users are actually asking me to implement it. So
(speaking for users) deprecating Layout does not seem desired.

    (The reason why it's not implemented *yet* in CGE is that it
wasn't desperately needed, because in CGE we have a similar feature
covering similar use-case. CGE developer can use several
TCastleSceneManager or TCastleUserInterface Pascal components rendered
on top of each other. This covers similar use-cases as the X3D Layout
component. Although it is not available to X3D author (using only
view3dscene), it's only available to CGE developer designing the UI
using CGE components in Pascal.)

2. I don't think we will ever implement, or need, DIS in
CGE/view3dscene. DIS seems tailored to a specific use-case/application
of a military simulation.

     While some terms of DIS (like "ammunition" or "detonations")
occur also in computer games, they would definitely not be expressed
by DIS nodes (because each game has very different needs here) by CGE
users. Thus, we have no chance of ever achieving "Full" profile
compatibility for X3D within CGE -- as "Full" includes DIS.

    If DIS is indeed useful to particular military organizations,
perhaps the DIS component could be moved to a separate specification,
and not be part of the  "Full" profile? And if it's not used, the
simply deprecating it seems like a reasonable choice. I'm not aware of
any other 3D model format that contains this feature, at least in

Best regards,

wt., 8 paź 2019 o 09:46 Holger Seelig <holger.seelig at googlemail.com> napisał(a):
> I don't see why the Layout component should be removed in the new X3D v4
> standard. It is fully implemented in X_ITE and Titania, and Titania has
> a nice Layout Editor, which makes the use of this component very easy.
> With the Layout component it is possible to place something in a corner
> or edge of the screen, or make something as large as the screen.
> Removing this component will removing these possibilities.
> I think a better candidate of removing a component is the DIS component.
> It is a component for purely military use, which I think has nothing to
> do with X3D standard. The only purpose of this component is to play war
> like in Counter-Strike, and to model war simulations for the army, which
> is not my intention.
> Best regards,
> Holger
> --
> Holger Seelig
> Digital Media Designer
> Scheffelstraße 31a
> 04277 Leipzig
> Germany
> Cellular: +49 176 420 479 37
> E-Mail:   holger.seelig at create3000.de
> Web:      http://create3000.de
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