[x3d-public] Web3DUX working group minutes 22 April 2020
Feng Liu
LIU_F at mercer.edu
Fri Apr 24 10:36:11 PDT 2020
Web3DUX Group Meeting Minutes
April 22, 2020
Attendees: Nicholas Polys, Don Brutzman, and Feng Liu
Regrets: Amela Sadagic, Richard F. Puk
Items discussed:
* COVID-19 and Current Web3D / X3D contributions discussion:
* Everyone attended the meeting are doing well.
* NIH 3D print exchange site – enable X3D view in a browser: https://3dprint.nih.gov/discover/3dpx/013429/x3d
* Nicholas: VT is collaborating with manufacturers for producing ventilator parts/masks. The 3D exchange(3dprint.nih.gov/) helps a lot. X3d models are displaying on the browsers.
* ***Wonder if there is any UX study we can do. – definitely!
* Challenges: Can we identify the users and follow up the users with their user experiences such as manipulation /mode features and functions? – Nicholas will find out Megan at NIH to see any data we can collect/use.
* We need to Identify the factors we can use to measure success.
* the VT News story about our local effort (good models go the NIH print exchange)
* https://vtnews.vt.edu/articles/2020/04/virginia-tech-engineer-and-carilion-physician-upgrade-breathing-.html<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvtnews.vt.edu%2Farticles%2F2020%2F04%2Fvirginia-tech-engineer-and-carilion-physician-upgrade-breathing-.html&data=02%7C01%7CLIU_F%40mercer.edu%7C4d72a3711d384118f7f308d7e6fb7938%7C4fb34d2889b247109bcc30824d17fc30%7C0%7C0%7C637231840060923564&sdata=kmeOxgFjYvZjy7k8VBdFIlIbj8rhDtKFKo%2F0Y%2FU7IkY%3D&reserved=0>
* Here is VT's listing of funding opportunities related to the pandemic
* https://www.research.vt.edu/covid-19-updates-impacts/opportunities.html<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.research.vt.edu%2Fcovid-19-updates-impacts%2Fopportunities.html&data=02%7C01%7CLIU_F%40mercer.edu%7C4d72a3711d384118f7f308d7e6fb7938%7C4fb34d2889b247109bcc30824d17fc30%7C0%7C0%7C637231840060933558&sdata=4Mf9AsCtMC0PJP1Do8ANmZgQ5XD7O%2BBO545dy16DgDA%3D&reserved=0>
* Don: Two modes are available but not many people use it. How can we let users know how to use the x3d better?
* X3D Architecture: Annex G Recommended navigation behaviours https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/behaviours.html
This is very simple and might be improved in several ways. Suggestion: we list common problems and then add recommendations to Annex G for X3D4.
* Nicholas' example about navigation hotkeys is an excellent case in point. For example, consistent availability for pressing alt-W for Walk, alt-E for Examine would be great.
* This past weekend, SPIDERS3D program manager Alex Viana and an end user and I were able to create and release a walkthrough video.
* SPIDERS3D Program Overview and Collaboration Walkthrough https://gitlab.nps.edu/Savage/Spiders3dPublic/-/blob/master/videos/demonstrations/NRWG2020/README.md
This is mostly "inside the Navy" but wanted to let each of you know that, when talking to potential sponsors, we continue advocating that X3D standards and Web3DUX practices are encouraged and supported and adopted.
* Recommends Collecting problems/ user challenges.
* Cool stuff: // 3D simulation on social distance : a combination of HTML + web 3D + User Experience https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/04/14/science/coronavirus-transmission-cough-6-feet-ar-ul.html
* Feng recommends showing the help/hotkey before the x3d model is loaded in the browsers. So that users can handle how to manipulate the scene/objects.
* Plan of actions:
* Record a Zoom meeting about the application/x3D resources? // Maybe not the #1 priorities
* Focusing on the fundamental functions/modes within the X3d applications
* Inventory the user experiences problems
* Give common problems and common solutions
* Nicholas will contact Megan at NIH about access to the user data with the 3D exchange site.
* Funding might be available to Remote learning classroom with UX - Nicholas
* NPS: web3D application and user experience videos - Don
* Feng is going to call participations in evaluating user experience on X3D applications within the Web3D community to identify the usability problems within the X3D applications in both the x3d view on NIH 3D printing exchange site or examples on Web3D site:
* https://3dprint.nih.gov/collections/covid-19-response
* https://3dprint.nih.gov/discover/3dpx-013429
* https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dResources.html#ModelSearch // Nicholas: Is this the page you were referring to the x3D model collection?
* A google doc has been created below. Anyone can fill in the UX problems you identified in any X3D applications
* https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D52ZQXcKny3xV7CauaKkFwm5U1OCq8pLrP1suvqMDJQ/edit?usp=sharing
* Some 3D applications and funding resources in responding COVID-19
A shared google file has been created for you to enter the 3D application you run across or working on in responding to COVID-19 or any funding opportunity you run across available to the X3D community regarding COVID-19.
Feng recommends to have a special “COVID-19 session” in the Web3D conference and invite all the presenters who contribute to the Web3D /VR/AR applications responding to COVID-19
Thank you for sharing! Please contact us by replying to the email if you have a question while using the sharing files.
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