[x3d-public] 24 FEB 2020 X3D Semantic Web minutes: otology redirect, conference reschedule, considering Roadmap

Don Brutzman brutzman at nps.edu
Mon Feb 24 09:02:34 PST 2020

Regular meeting Monday 08-0900 Pacific, 17-1800 Poland.

Attendees: Jakub and Don.

Last week's minutes are online at

* [x3d-public] 17 FEB 2020: X3D Ontology namespace changed; X3D Semantic Web meeting minutes; future domains

* X3D Semantic Web Working Group

* X3D Ontology for Semantic Web

Web3D membership has value!  This work really has the potential to change many many things for the better.  Please consider demonstrating your support by joining.

* Join the Web3D Consortium


1. *Conference planning.* Of note: Web3D 2020 has been postponed due to coronavirus concerns.  The committee is working on revised submission dates, working to determine whether they might occur before or after SIGGRAPH 2020 in Washington DC.

* [x3d-public] Web3D 2020 conference dates reschedule to 14-16 November 2020

* SIGGRAPH 2020 in Washington DC, 19-23 July 2020.

Jakub and I plan to write a paper on X3DUOM, which is the basis for X3D Ontology.


2. As reported last week, all query examples have been updated to match new namespace identifier.


Further (thank you Webmaster) the website redirect is working so that this long-term link redirects to


* X3D Ontology X3dOntology4.0.ttl is our primary product from X3DUOM.
* Also producing X3dOntology4.0.rdf version using Protege.

* Official URI namespaces:
   PREFIX x3do: <http://www.web3d.org/specifications/X3dOntology4.0#>
   PREFIX x3do: <http://www.web3d.org/specifications/X3dOntology4.0#>

Note that we are using http (vice https) for the prefix identifier since that is also the approach used for XML Schema and DTD.  The https address all works but http seems more reliable as a general identifier.


from last week:

> 3. Really interesting discussion following minutes of 2 weeks ago:
> * [x3d-public] URL resolution problem on web3d.org - for X3D Ontology Assets; X3D Semantic Web meeting minutes
>    http://web3d.org/pipermail/x3d-public_web3d.org/2020-February/011771.html
> Multiple application domains were suggested for potential use with X3D Ontology.  Additional prior topics pertain.
> a. Creation of synthetic images from 3D scene snapshots to train Computer Vision (CV) using machine learning (ML).
> b. Medical ontology for surgical and dental procedures for simulation and training purposes.
> c. Human Animation (HAnim 2) includes full anatomic detail for skeletal joints and segments, skin, sites, and motion animation.
>     In effect we have one from X3D, but maybe an HAnim Ontology should be produced separately in greater detail - name aliases, structural connection relationships (elbow contains forearm), etc.  Interesting!  A number of low-level animation and ontology concepts might be mapped and integrated.  TBD is whether this is part of X3D or else a separate ontology.

[cc: HAnim working group]

Possibly we can design/autogenerate a Humanoid Animation (HAnim) ontology and a corresponding paper by SIGGRAPH this summer.  Worthy goal.  This would include topology connectivity for all segments, joints and sites in the anatomically correct human skeleton.  We could also include rules for motion animation which would be interesting for composition of BVH-style interpolation.  Together these would go a long way towards search capabilities and semantic interoperability with other medical procedures, medical records, medical research, even clothing and sports ontologies.

> d. Work in progress with ISO colleagues regarding ontologies for both geometric topology and CAD concepts.

... which can provide a guideline and terms of reference for geometric relationship definitions.  Very worth tracking!

> e. Providing both hints and results for shape-classification algorithms, enabling further inference.

Wondering who is expert in this domain and interested?

> f. Providing appropriate provenance metadata regarding geometric models that originated as a 3D scan.
> g. Cross-domain ontology relationships as a mapping ontology.
> h. As we progress, embedding metadata in models that provide connections/links/labels for semantic relationships.

Am also thinking that simple SPARQL queries of X3D document head/meta information, as well as contained MetadataSet/MetadataString/Metadata* node information within a scene, is an important capability to demonstrate in our examples.  This will likely establish search and query patterns for lots of future work.

> Many exciting possibilities present themselves.  Request inputs and we will consider writing up initial strategies for each application domain.
> Next week 2D FEB 2020 we will attempt to consolidate this points and all input discussions into a *X3D Semantic Web Development Roadmap.*

No other responses seen yet, all insights welcome.  This remains an important task, perhaps next week.

> ---
> 4. And next.
> Special thanks to John Carlson for excellent ideas, references and YouTube links that continue to provide benefit.

* Web 3.0, Linked Data, and the Semantic Web: What's this all about?
   Dr. Jim Hendler, Sep 6, 2016

There are currently several different approaches to semantics, semantic technologies, and the Semantic Web floating around.  While the uptake of these technologies is going well, there is still confusion about what sort of technology fits where and how it works.  The confusion is made worse because the term ontology is used in a number of  different ways.  In this talk, I will describe how different sorts of models can be used to link data in different ways.  I will particularly explore different kinds of Web applications, from Enterprise Data Integration to Web 3.0 startups, and the different kinds of techniques needed for these different approaches.

perhaps slides at

* https://www.slideshare.net/jahendler/web-30-emerging

> New candidate slogan:  "Semantic Web is why search works."  This is a distant corollary to "all AI techniques are search."

am getting traction on this saying... makes sense.

> As Jakub points out, this is also the way in which we actually understand how things work.

yes, getting deliberate about definitions relationships and clarity of expression.

> Have fun with X3D Semantic Web!  :)

all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br       brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA   +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman

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