[x3d-public] Web3D 2020 - Call for Papers - 24-26 June 2020, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
Anita Havele
announce at web3d.org
Mon Jan 20 21:57:56 PST 2020
*Web3D 2020 - Call for Papers*
Share your latest work! Join your fellow 3D Graphics technologists peers
by contributing your latest scientific innovation, technical development
or artistic accomplishments to Web3D 2020 Conference
*25th International ACM Conference on 3D Web Technology *
*24-26 June 2020, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea*
We welcome all topics related to Web/mobile 3D content creation,
publishing technology, tools, and related studies.
It's our 25th anniversary, don't miss this opportunity to network and
showcase your work to leading Web3D technologist and researchers.
*Topics and areas for submission
Submission Link <http://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=web3d2020>
Questions: program2020 at web3dconference.org
<mailto:program2020 at web3dconference.org>
Web3D 2020 is sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH <https://www.siggraph.org/> in
cooperation with the Web3D Consortium <http://www.web3d.org> and the
Korea Computer Graphics Society <http://cg-korea.org/>
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