[x3d-public] Why I did not continue with an ECMAScript 1-5 SAI

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 10:35:14 PDT 2020

Here's why I didn't continue with an ECMAScript SAI similar to the
ECMAScript SAI standard and X_ITE SAI examples.

Translated code:

var browser = X3D.getBrowser();
var X3D0 = {};
X3D0.profile = "Immersive";
X3D0.version = "3.3";
ProtoDeclare2 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoDeclare");
ProtoDeclare2.name = "anyShape";
ProtoInterface3 = browser.currentScene.createNode("ProtoInterface");
field4 = browser.currentScene.createNode("field");
field4.name = "myShape";
field4.accessType = "inputOutput";
field4.type = "MFNode";
Shape5 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Shape");
Sphere6 = browser.currentScene.createNode("Sphere");
Shape5.geometry = Sphere6;
field4.children = new MFNode();
field4.children[0] = Shape5;
ProtoInterface3.field = new MFNode();
ProtoInterface3.field[0] = field4;
ProtoDeclare2.protoInterface = ProtoInterface3;

I believe some of the Nodes above should be statements.  That's not the
issue.  The issue is that in SAI I've seen, the ProtoDeclare (or PROTO) is
in VRML or perhaps XML.  I understand I need add a special case for Proto's.

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