[x3d-public] Should I do anything about this Java warning

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 00:07:46 PDT 2020

Java file attached.  This java program was generated by X3dToJava.xslt,  I
believe.  The Node.js version is similar.

$ java -cp "C:/Users/coderextreme/pythonSAI/X3DJSAIL.4.0.full.jar;."
Java program "HelloWorldProgramOutput" self-validation test results:
WARNING_MESSAGE: ProtoInstance name='ShaderProto' DEF='TestShader3' USE=''
is missing containerField relationship to parent node, assuming
containerField='shaders' from initial node in corresponding ProtoDeclare.
Need to fix ProtoInstance definition in model source.
<meta content='continued development and testing in progress' name='info'/>
WARNING_MESSAGE: ProtoInstance name='ShaderProto' DEF='TestShader3' USE=''
is missing containerField relationship to parent node, assuming
containerField='shaders' from initial node in corresponding ProtoDeclare.
Need to fix ProtoInstance definition in model source.
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