[x3d-public] Wrong type for default HAnimMotion.channels

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sat Jun 20 14:19:30 PDT 2020

Again, I don’t have an issue with the HAnim standard as it stands.   I have
a problem with syncing up the standard with the schema.

On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 4:10 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:

> I believe that there’s a similar issue with joints? I’m on my back so it’s
> it hard to check.
> We’ve been through this before.
> joints should be sequence<string> or just string?
> John
> On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 3:29 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Don, also change examples in HAnim 2 standard, if there are any.
>> Thanks,
>> John
>> On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 12:47 PM Don Brutzman <brutzman at nps.edu> wrote:
>>> [added: HAnim working group]
>>> Hmmm, I think the comparison reveals a potential flaw in the
>>> specifications.
>>> On 6/18/2020 11:19 PM, J. Scheurich wrote:> HAnimMotion : X3DChildNode
>>>      SFString [in,out] channels         []
>>> >
>>> > Shouldnt it be
>>> > HAnimMotion : X3DChildNode
>>> >     SFString [in,out] channels         ""
>>> Default value [] corresponds to MFString, default value "" corresponds
>>> to SFString.  You've found a mismatch.
>>> Investigating further:
>>> ===================================================================
>>> [1] HAnim Part 2:  Humanoid animation (HAnim) motion data animation
>>>      6 HAnim motion data animation using Motion objects
>>>      6.3 Data structure of Motion object
>>> https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19774/V2.0/MotionDataAnimation/MotionNodes.html#MotionObject
>>>      interface Motion {
>>>          string             description      ""
>>>          string             channels         ""
>>>          sequence<Boolean>  channelsEnabled  []
>>>          double             cycleTime
>>>          double             elapsedTime
>>>          Boolean            enabled          false
>>>          int                frameCount       0     [0, ∞)
>>>          float              frameDuration    0.1   (0, ∞)
>>>          int                frameIncrement   1     (-∞, ∞)
>>>          int                frameIndex       0     [0, ∞)
>>>          string             joints           ""
>>>          integer            loa              -1    [-1,4]
>>>          Boolean            loop             false
>>>          Boolean            next
>>>          Boolean            previous
>>>          sequence<float>    values           []   (-∞,∞)
>>>      }
>>> "The channels field consists of a list, for each joint, of the number of
>>> channels for transformation, followed by the transformation type of each
>>> channel of data for that joint. Each value shall be separated by a comma
>>> and/or one or more spaces. Channels within a given Motion object are
>>> enabled by default, unless otherwise indicated by the corresponding Boolean
>>> entry in the channelsEnabled field."
>>> ===================================================================
>>> [2] X3D4 Part 1: Architecture and base components
>>>      26 Humanoid Animation (HAnimH-Anim) component
>>>      26.3.4 HAnimMotion
>>> HAnimMotion : X3DChildNode {
>>>    SFString [in,out] channels         []
>>>    MFBool   [in,out] channelsEnabled  []
>>>    SFTime   [out]    cycleTime
>>>    SFString [in,out] description      ""
>>>    SFTime   [out]    elapsedTime      (0,∞)
>>>    SFBool   [in,out] enabled          TRUE
>>>    SFInt32  [out]    frameCount                           [0,∞)
>>>    SFTime   [in,out] frameDuration    0.1                 (0,∞)
>>>    SFInt32  [in,out] frameIncrement   1                   (-∞,∞)
>>>    SFInt32  [in,out] frameIndex       0                   (0,∞)
>>>    MFString [in,out] joints           []
>>>    SFInt32  [in,out] loa              -1                  [-1,4]
>>>    SFBool   [in,out] loop             false
>>>    SFNode   [in,out] metadata         NULL
>>> [X3DMetadataObject]
>>>    SFBool   [in]     next
>>>    SFBool   [in]     previous
>>>    MFFloat  [in,out] values           []                  (-∞,∞)
>>> }
>>> ===================================================================
>>> The HAnim2 specification is the governing reference.
>>> It appears crystal clear that the channels field is a list.
>>> Therefore you have found an important error - great work!  As remedy, we
>>> should have the following interface definitions:
>>> HAnim2 change:
>>>          string             channels         ""
>>> to
>>>          sequence<string>   channels         ""
>>> and corresponding X3D4 change:
>>>          SFString [in,out]  channels         []
>>> to
>>>          MFString [in,out]  channels         []
>>> Meanwhile it looks like the corresponding channelsEnabled field is
>>> properly defined, and having both fields (channels and channelsEnabled) as
>>> matching list/MF array types simplifies implementation considerably.
>>> Looking forward to review and confirmation, improvement and resolution.
>>> Have entered a pair of Mantis issues needed to correct each specification:
>>> [3] Mantis 1311: Incorrect type defined for HAnimMotion channels field
>>> in HAnim2
>>>      https://www.web3d.org/member-only/mantis/view.php?id=1311
>>> [4] Mantis 1312: Mismatched type defined for HAnimMotion channels field
>>> in X3D4
>>>      https://www.web3d.org/member-only/mantis/view.php?id=1312
>>> As ever, we continue review discussion of issues on mailing lists, and
>>> the specification editors use Mantis issue to track consensus and
>>> resolution of changes.
>>> Thanks for reporting this problem.  Good luck with further
>>> implementation/evaluation efforts (of cool content!) to confirm/improve the
>>> HAnim2 and X3D4 specifications.
>>> all the best, Don
>>> --
>>> Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br
>>> brutzman at nps.edu
>>> Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA
>>>  +1.831.656.2149
>>> X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics
>>> http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman
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