[x3d-public] Well, @rotation errors (normalization) all originals; pajekOriginals; getting serious about X3D JSON Schema in draft-07

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sat Apr 3 20:57:41 PDT 2021

On 4/3/21 8:23 PM, Don Brutzman wrote:
> Hmmm. Several twists and turns here.
> 1. We already have a HelloWorld.json (of course) and it looks like 
> yours strips out a bunch of stuff an inserts a Transform
>   "@rotation":[2,1,0,3]
> There is a Special Place in Hell where everything has the same name.  
> Let's not go there, please...
> All of our original models have .x3d in version control, with other 
> file encodings and language bindings autogenerated.
> If you want to create a TestRotationsNormalization.x3d scene, then a 
> good place for that to be maintained will be with the 15 other test 
> scenes in
> * https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/development/
> Suggest you will want both an SFRotation (such as the Transform 
> @rotation above) and an MFRotation, perhaps most familiar node might 
> be an OrientationInterpolator.
> Please craft a TestRotationsNormalization.x3d scene and we can add it 
> to the examples archive.

Agreed. I will create and validate (XML) as you suggest and check in.  I 
do not know how to use OrientationInterpolator at this point (I may have 
known at one point).

Well, I have to recover my sourceforge password (new OS, linux). I hope 
that sourceforge's emailer will work.  Pauses.  I guess I'll do 
something when sourceforge gets back to me.  Otherwise, I'll have to 
create another account, and we'll need to do some admin.

Meanwhile, I pass you the file as an attachment.  There was a diagnostic 
in the Schematron (?) part of the X3D validator.

There doesn't appear to be a report on the hand-generated JSON schema 
(4.0H), as previously reported.  Here's the results of testing with JSON 
schema draft 07 and X3D JSON schema 3.3: Probably adding an 
OrientationInterpolator will tickle that part of the hand-generated schema?

~/x3dschema$ bash validateone.sh 

json-schema 3.3 Validation error 
#/X3D/Scene/-children/2/Group: #: 0 subschemas matched instead of one 
json-schema 3.3 Validation error 
#/X3D/Scene/-children/2/Group: #: 0 subschemas matched instead of one 

No report on Ajv means both 3.3 and 4.0H schemas passed or both failed.  
Likely I will change the report at some point.


> ---
> 2.  Glad that you are handling pajekOriginals by postprocessing. Since 
> these are "original" models created by a tool, we wont' be changing them.
> * Pajek Analysis and visualization of very large networks
>   http://mrvar.fdv.uni-lj.si/pajek
> * Pajek manual, p. 80, chapter 5 Exports to EPS/SVG/X3D/VRML
> https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
> Perhaps we should come up with a metadata scheme to indicate when a 
> model has known errors so that automatic corrections are disable and 
> diagnostics are silenced.

I have that for errors.  Not sure about warnings.

> ---
> 3. Primary task remains.
> What I have been referring to with HelloWorld was confirming that JSON 
> Schema and JSON X3D model are truly validating, and the patterns to 
> accomplish that.  Silent (non-reporting) command-line invocations 
> aren't strong evidence and don't add much insight.
> As ever, the JSON Schema patterns are what we want to focus on using 
> JSON Schema Draft 7.  We should update our X3D JSON pages to match.
> * https://json-schema.org
> These people remain a curious bunch.  While draft-07 now appears well 
> supported, they are up to releasing draft 20.
> The following is their latest documentation, written for draft-07 but 
> updated in 2021.
> * https://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/
> Once patterns are confirmed we can look at X3D JSON Schema 
> autogeneration from X3DUOM.
> Based on your emails one might deduce that you may have such a thing, 
> but it has not been reviewed and not been integrated. Please let's 
> backtrack and get on firm footing.

I have been trying to improve the autogenerated schemas while looking 
backwards at Roy's schema for possible good patterns, like @rotation.  
We may need to fix @geoSystem next, I thought I brought @geoSystem 
straight over from Roy's schema. I want to "look good" and cover major 
potholes before reviewing and integrating.  These are the two "big" 
gotchas, along with not requiring @name in Metadata* nodes/statements.   
Roy's schema is quickly becoming outdated by X3D4 standards. It has not 
been updated for X3D4, except in tiny chunks.

Meanwhile, I believe that the autogenerated schemas have been tracking 
fairly well with X3DUOM--all versions.

The differences in # of reports between autogenerated and handgenerated 
schemas were pretty shocking with Everit.  I am still recovering.  I 
feel pretty comfortable with Ajv, but we're a couple of versions behind, 
as we are with JSON schema draft 7. We are using Ajv 6 and Ajv 8 exists 
for the most recent standard.   It appears that Ajv 6 and Ajv 8 are 
incompatible, as Ajv 8 does not really handle JSON schema Draft 7 in my 
first attempt (I think I am probably missing some sleuthing here).

> If you do have a single best-effort X3D JSON schema, please provide a 
> stable url so that we can study it.

(autogenerated, should be compatible with X3D4)

(handgenerated, not yet X3D4 compatible--PBR, Acoustics, and most 
modifications to X3D4 needed)

Where X3D4 versions of X3D JSON schema (auto) may appear first (but no 

(same name as autogenerated above).

Versions 3.* and 4.* should appear along-side each other.

Long term maintainance of hand-generated schema remains on sourceforge, 
but needs updating.   Autogenerated schemas are checked into 
sourceforge, but probably not updated often.

I added you as a  collaborator to coderextreme/x3dschema, if desired.  
If this is desired to be a private repository, please let me have access 
to a git repository under Web3DConsortium.

Current autogenerating script (all versions).


Current autogenerator (per version).


> ---
> 4. Everit
> Are you still getting this from the following site?
> * https://github.com/everit-org/json-schema
> * https://github.com/everit-org/json-schema/releases

You can see what I'm downloading here:


(sorry for making you click on links, see below)

git clone https://github.com/everit-org/json-schema

I am not familiar with releases link (thanks, they should put that on 
the main repo webpage somewhere), but it is useful.  I'm not sure if 
that's a fat jar or not.  Using a maven build instead of a jar allows 
you to download jars for addition to classpath (perhaps not ideal) in 
validate.sh and validateone.sh.

I will add you as a collaborator on x3dschema, Don.

> ---
> 5. Next
> This week I cannot meet Monday but have sent you an update to meet on 
> Web3D line Tuesday 14-1500 pacific, hope that can work for you.
> Thanks for continued pounding on the problem.  Let's hammer this into 
> a repeatable understandable result, rather than scattered pieces.

Thanks for working with me!


> On 4/2/2021 10:50 PM, John Carlson wrote:
>> Here's a small test (attached.).
>> John
>> On 4/3/21 12:44 AM, John Carlson wrote:
>>> Likely we need a very small test case. I will work on one.
>>> John
>>> On 4/3/21 12:42 AM, John Carlson wrote:
>>>> No worries about lax or non-lax validation.  The only cases (1800)
>>>> showing validation errors with @rotation are pajekOriginals.  This is
>>>> easily handled in a post process filter. Sorry for not filtering them
>>>> earlier. Everit results next (Ajv doesn't show up, likely because
>>>> both schemas fail).
>> The strange thing is, the autogenerated code did not throw any errors 
>> with Everit for rotation.
>> On 4/2/21 11:07 PM, John Carlson wrote:
>>> It appears that all the rotation errors were in originals:
>>> https://coderextreme.net/rot.txt
>>> So I could go either way with the auto-generated X3D JSON schema, 
>>> pasting fixed text or generating less restrictive code.
>>> John
>>>> "@rotation":[2,1,0,3],
>>>> I made this change to show the errors.  I do not know why the hand
>>>> generated schema errors do not show up.  That seems to be an issue.
>>>> Thanks for the backwards step Don.
>>>> So strict validation is still in place, as 2 > 1.
>>>> So the current issue seems to be the hand generated schema. The
>>>> definitions are in different order.   Changing order doesn't fix 
>>>> things.
> We need to get on the "same sheet of music" with the same best-case 
> schema.
>>>> I guess i would propose to file an issue with Everit about the two
>>>> schemas and the HelloWorld.json
>>>> Good catch!
>>>> John
> If we can apply Everit in the Ant build.xml then we can repeat the 
> error.  At that point any problem report becomes measurably fix-able.
>>>> On 4/2/21 11:22 PM, Don Brutzman wrote:
>>>>> Please backtrack.  Not clear you heard what we said this morning or
>>>>> posted.
>>>>> Don't worry about rotation normalization now please.  Lax validation
>>>>> is good, normalize() routines in our libraries can help.
>>>>> You are showing results from gigantic visualization files done by a
>>>>> grad student with the pajek tool eleven years ago.
>>>>> Sorry but can't keep up if we can't do Hello World.
>>>>> Thanks John.
> all the best, Don
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