[x3d-public] need help installing python (x3d.py) on Kubuntu Groovy Gorilla
John Carlson
yottzumm at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 00:54:48 PST 2021
Now getting this:
coderextreme at coderextreme-Kubuntu20:/c/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/x3d/stylesheets/python
$ python examples/HelloWorld.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "examples/HelloWorld.py", line 21, in <module>
from x3d import *
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'SFBool'
On 1/21/21 2:16 AM, John Carlson wrote:
> Set up encoding. Modified x3d.py at head of file:
> #!/usr/bin/python
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> Now getting this:
> python HelloWorld.py
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "HelloWorld.py", line 23, in <module>
> from x3d import *
> File
> "/home/coderextreme/X3DJSONLD/src/main/python/net/x3djsonld/data/x3d.py",
> line 1992
> print('* isValidMFColor tuple ' + str(each) + ' has length ' +
> str(len(each)) + ' which is not a multiple of MFColor().TUPLE_SIZE()='
> + str(MFColor().TUPLE_SIZE()) + ' for value=' + str(value), flush=True)
> ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> On 1/21/21 2:04 AM, John Carlson wrote:
>> I figured out I needed to set PYTHONPATH just as I sent previous
>> email. Duh!
>> Now running into this. From what I've read, it's due to not setting
>> the encoding in the python file (see http link below). Mentioned in a
>> prior message too.
>> John
>> [echo] ###############################################
>> [echo] # Self-test diagnostics
>> [echo] ###############################################
>> [echo]
>> [echo] if metaDiagnostics(newModel): # built-in utility
>> method in X3D class
>> [echo] print(metaDiagnostics(newModel))
>> [echo] print('check newModel.XML() serialization...')
>> [echo] newModelXML = newModel.XML() # test export method XML()
>> for exceptions
>> [echo] # print(newModelXML) # debug
>> [echo]
>> [echo] print ("python x3d.py load successful for
>> BackgroundCollection.py")
>> [echo] ===========================================
>> [echo] Loading local x3d.py package in python to check for
>> correctness...
>> [echo] then test BackgroundCollection.py execution and
>> self-validation:
>> [echo] python examples/BackgroundCollection.py
>> [exec] Traceback (most recent call last):
>> [exec] File "examples/BackgroundCollection.py", line 21, in
>> <module>
>> [exec] from x3d import *
>> [exec] File
>> "/c/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/x3d/stylesheets/python/x3d/x3d.py", line 269
>> [exec] SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xc3' in file
>> /c/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/x3d/stylesheets/python/x3d/x3d.py on line
>> 269, but no encoding declared; see
>> http://python.org/dev/peps/pep-0263/ for details
>> [exec] Result: 1
>> [echo] convert.X3dToPython.xslt conversion of
>> BackgroundCollection.x3d to BackgroundCollection.py complete.
>> [echo] ===========================================
>> Total time: 5 seconds
>> On 1/21/21 1:59 AM, John Carlson wrote:
>>> Do I just need privileges? Or should there be an encoding at the
>>> top of python files?
>>> Can someone repeat this? I'm finding it hard to read ant output.
>>> (also, there is an ant target create.X3DPSAIL)
>>> $ pip install x3d
>>> Requirement already satisfied: x3d in
>>> /home/coderextreme/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (0.0.37)
>>> $ ant test.X3DPSAIL
>>> Buildfile: /c/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/x3d/stylesheets/build.xml
>>> [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource
>>> net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties. It could not be found.
>>> test.X3DPSAIL:
>>> [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource
>>> net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties. It could not be found.
>>> test.x3d.py.local:
>>> [echo] Loading local x3d.py package in python to check for
>>> correctness...
>>> [echo] $X3dPackageSubdirectory=x3d,
>>> $X3dPackageSubdirectoryLocation=/c/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/x3d/stylesheets/python/x3d
>>> [exec] python: can't open file 'x3d.py': [Errno 2] No such file
>>> or directory
>>> [exec] Result: 2
>>> [echo] ===========================================
>>> [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource
>>> net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties. It could not be found.
>>> versions:
>>> [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource
>>> net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties. It could not be found.
>>> versions:
>>> [echo] ant -version
>>> [exec] Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.9 compiled on September 27 2020
>>> [echo] java -version
>>> [exec] openjdk version "15" 2020-09-15
>>> [exec] OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 15+36-Ubuntu-1)
>>> [exec] OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 15+36-Ubuntu-1, mixed
>>> mode, sharing)
>>> [echo] python -version
>>> [exec] Python 2.7.18
>>> [echo] saxon -? help
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] ANT_HOME=${env.ANT_HOME}
>>> [echo] JAVA_HOME=${env.JAVA_HOME}
>>> [echo] Check for X3DJSAIL X3DJSAIL.4.0.full.jar or
>>> X3DJSAIL.4.0.classes.jar
>>> [echo] CLASSPATH=${env.CLASSPATH}
>>> [echo] javac source/target $java.source=1.8
>>> [echo] Java/JVM version $ant.java.version=15
>>> [echo] Java/JVM detail version $java.version=15
>>> [echo] Ant version $ant.version=Apache Ant(TM)
>>> version 1.10.9 compiled on September 27 2020
>>> [echo] Check for node.js installation from https://nodejs.org
>>> [exec] v12.18.2
>>> [echo] Configuration settings:
>>> https://savage.nps.edu/Savage/developers.html
>>> [echo] ===========================================
>>> examples:
>>> [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource
>>> net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties. It could not be found.
>>> set.local.PYTHONPATH:
>>> [echo] local.PYTHONPATH=x3d
>>> test.x3d.py:
>>> [echo] Loading active PYTHONPATH x3d.py package in python to
>>> check for correctness...
>>> [exec] python: can't open file 'x3d.py': [Errno 2] No such file
>>> or directory
>>> [exec] Result: 2
>>> [echo] ===========================================
>>> [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource
>>> net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties. It could not be found.
>>> examples.HelloWorld.prefixed:
>>> [echo] Convert and test verbose approach using
>>> HelloWorldPrefixed.py
>>> [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource
>>> net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties. It could not be found.
>>> convert.X3dToPython.xslt.prefixed:
>>> [delete] Deleting:
>>> /c/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/x3d/stylesheets/python/examples/HelloWorldPrefixed.py
>>> [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource
>>> net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties. It could not be found.
>>> set.local.PYTHONPATH:
>>> [echo] local.PYTHONPATH=x3d
>>> convert.X3dToPython.xslt:
>>> [echo] ===========================================
>>> [delete] Deleting
>>> /c/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/x3d/stylesheets/python/examples/HelloWorld.py
>>> [echo] ===========================================
>>> [echo] convert.X3dToPython.xslt conversion of HelloWorld.x3d to
>>> HelloWorld.py complete.
>>> [echo] ###############################################
>>> [echo] #
>>> [echo] # Now available: developmental python x3d.py package on
>>> PyPi for import.
>>> [echo] # This approach greatly simplifies Python X3D
>>> deployment and use.
>>> [echo] # https://pypi.org/project/x3d
>>> [echo] #
>>> [echo] # Installation:
>>> [echo] # pip install x3d
>>> [echo] # or
>>> [echo] # python -m pip install x3d
>>> [echo] #
>>> [echo] # Developer options for loading x3d package:
>>> [echo] #
>>> [echo] # from x3d import * # preferred approach, terser
>>> source that avoids x3d.* class prefixes
>>> [echo] #
>>> [echo] # or
>>> [echo] # import x3d # traditional way to subclass
>>> x3d package, all classes require x3d.* prefix
>>> [echo] # # but python source is very
>>> verbose, for example x3d.Material x3d.Shape etc.
>>> [echo] # # X3dToPython.xslt stylesheet
>>> insertPackagePrefix=true supports this option.
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] import x3d
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] ###############################################
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] # comment preceding root node
>>> [echo] newModel=x3d.X3D(profile='Immersive',version='3.3',
>>> [echo] head=x3d.head(
>>> [echo] children=[
>>> [echo] x3d.meta(content='HelloWorld.x3d',name='title'),
>>> [echo] x3d.meta(content='Simple X3D scene example: Hello
>>> World!',name='description'),
>>> [echo] x3d.meta(content='30 October 2000',name='created'),
>>> [echo] x3d.meta(content='31 October 2019',name='modified'),
>>> [echo] x3d.meta(content='Don Brutzman',name='creator'),
>>> [echo] x3d.meta(content='HelloWorld.tall.png',name='Image'),
>>> [echo]
>>> x3d.meta(content='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_world',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> x3d.meta(content='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello#.22Hello.2C_World.22_computer_program',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> x3d.meta(content='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/"Hello,_World!"_program',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> x3d.meta(content='http://en.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=Computer_Programming/Hello_world',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> x3d.meta(content='http://www.HelloWorldExample.net',name='reference'),
>>> [echo] x3d.meta(content='http://www.web3D.org',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> x3d.meta(content='http://www.web3d.org/realtime-3d/news/internationalization-x3d',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> x3d.meta(content='http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HelloWorld.x3d',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> x3d.meta(content='http://X3dGraphics.com/examples/X3dForAdvancedModeling/HelloWorldScenes',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> x3d.meta(content='http://X3dGraphics.com/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter01TechnicalOverview/HelloWorld.x3d',name='identifier'),
>>> [echo]
>>> x3d.meta(content='http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/license.html',name='license'),
>>> [echo] x3d.meta(content='X3D-Edit 3.3,
>>> https://savage.nps.edu/X3D-Edit',name='generator'),
>>> [echo] # Alternate encodings: VRML97, X3D ClassicVRML
>>> Encoding, X3D Compressed Binary Encoding (CBE), X3DOM, JSON
>>> [echo] x3d.meta(content='HelloWorld.wrl',name='reference'),
>>> [echo] x3d.meta(content='HelloWorld.x3dv',name='reference'),
>>> [echo] x3d.meta(content='HelloWorld.x3db',name='reference'),
>>> [echo] x3d.meta(content='HelloWorld.xhtml',name='reference'),
>>> [echo] x3d.meta(content='HelloWorld.json',name='reference')]),
>>> [echo] Scene=x3d.Scene(
>>> [echo] # Example scene to illustrate X3D nodes and fields
>>> (XML elements and attributes)
>>> [echo] children=[
>>> [echo] x3d.WorldInfo(title='Hello World!'),
>>> [echo] x3d.Group(
>>> [echo] children=[
>>> [echo]
>>> x3d.Viewpoint(DEF='ViewUpClose',centerOfRotation=(0,-1,0),description='Hello
>>> world!',position=(0,-1,7)),
>>> [echo] # insert commas to test removal when converted to
>>> ttl
>>> [echo]
>>> x3d.Transform(DEF='TestWhitespaceCommas',rotation=(0,1,0,3),
>>> [echo] children=[
>>> [echo] x3d.Shape(
>>> [echo] geometry=x3d.Sphere(),
>>> [echo] appearance=x3d.Appearance(
>>> [echo]
>>> material=x3d.Material(DEF='MaterialLightBlue',diffuseColor=(0.1,0.5,1)),
>>> [echo]
>>> texture=x3d.ImageTexture(DEF='ImageCloudlessEarth',url=["earth-topo.png","earth-topo.jpg","earth-topo-small.gif","http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/earth-topo.png","http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/earth-topo.jpg","http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/earth-topo-small.gif"])))]),
>>> [echo] x3d.Transform(translation=(0,-2,0),
>>> [echo] children=[
>>> [echo] x3d.Shape(
>>> [echo]
>>> geometry=x3d.Text(DEF='TextMessage',string=["Hello","world!"],
>>> [echo] fontStyle=x3d.FontStyle(justify=["MIDDLE","MIDDLE"])),
>>> [echo] appearance=x3d.Appearance(
>>> [echo] material=x3d.Material(USE='MaterialLightBlue')))])])])
>>> [echo] ) # X3D model complete
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] ###############################################
>>> [echo] # Self-test diagnostics
>>> [echo] ###############################################
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] if x3d.metaDiagnostics(newModel): # built-in
>>> utility method in X3D class
>>> [echo] print(x3d.metaDiagnostics(newModel))
>>> [echo] print('check newModel.XML() serialization...')
>>> [echo] newModelXML = newModel.XML() # test export method XML()
>>> for exceptions
>>> [echo] # print(newModelXML) # debug
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] print ("python x3d.py load successful for HelloWorld.py")
>>> [echo] ===========================================
>>> [echo] Loading local x3d.py package in python to check for
>>> correctness...
>>> [echo] then test HelloWorld.py execution and self-validation:
>>> [echo] python examples/HelloWorld.py
>>> [exec] Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> [exec] File "examples/HelloWorld.py", line 21, in <module>
>>> [exec] import x3d
>>> [exec] ImportError: No module named x3d
>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>> [echo] convert.X3dToPython.xslt conversion of HelloWorld.x3d to
>>> HelloWorld.py complete.
>>> [echo] ===========================================
>>> [move] Moving 1 file to
>>> /c/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/x3d/stylesheets/python/examples
>>> [move] Attempting to rename:
>>> /c/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/x3d/stylesheets/python/examples/HelloWorld.py
>>> to
>>> /c/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/x3d/stylesheets/python/examples/HelloWorldPrefixed.py
>>> [echo] ===========================================
>>> [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource
>>> net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties. It could not be found.
>>> examples.HelloWorld:
>>> [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource
>>> net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties. It could not be found.
>>> set.local.PYTHONPATH:
>>> [echo] local.PYTHONPATH=x3d
>>> convert.X3dToPython.xslt:
>>> [echo] ===========================================
>>> [echo] ===========================================
>>> [echo] convert.X3dToPython.xslt conversion of HelloWorld.x3d to
>>> HelloWorld.py complete.
>>> [echo] ###############################################
>>> [echo] #
>>> [echo] # Now available: developmental python x3d.py package on
>>> PyPi for import.
>>> [echo] # This approach greatly simplifies Python X3D
>>> deployment and use.
>>> [echo] # https://pypi.org/project/x3d
>>> [echo] #
>>> [echo] # Installation:
>>> [echo] # pip install x3d
>>> [echo] # or
>>> [echo] # python -m pip install x3d
>>> [echo] #
>>> [echo] # Developer options for loading x3d package:
>>> [echo] #
>>> [echo] # from x3d import * # preferred approach, terser
>>> source that avoids x3d.* class prefixes
>>> [echo] #
>>> [echo] # or
>>> [echo] # import x3d # traditional way to subclass
>>> x3d package, all classes require x3d.* prefix
>>> [echo] # # but python source is very
>>> verbose, for example x3d.Material x3d.Shape etc.
>>> [echo] # # X3dToPython.xslt stylesheet
>>> insertPackagePrefix=true supports this option.
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] from x3d import *
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] ###############################################
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] # comment preceding root node
>>> [echo] newModel=X3D(profile='Immersive',version='3.3',
>>> [echo] head=head(
>>> [echo] children=[
>>> [echo] meta(content='HelloWorld.x3d',name='title'),
>>> [echo] meta(content='Simple X3D scene example: Hello
>>> World!',name='description'),
>>> [echo] meta(content='30 October 2000',name='created'),
>>> [echo] meta(content='31 October 2019',name='modified'),
>>> [echo] meta(content='Don Brutzman',name='creator'),
>>> [echo] meta(content='HelloWorld.tall.png',name='Image'),
>>> [echo]
>>> meta(content='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_world',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> meta(content='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello#.22Hello.2C_World.22_computer_program',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> meta(content='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/"Hello,_World!"_program',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> meta(content='http://en.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=Computer_Programming/Hello_world',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> meta(content='http://www.HelloWorldExample.net',name='reference'),
>>> [echo] meta(content='http://www.web3D.org',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> meta(content='http://www.web3d.org/realtime-3d/news/internationalization-x3d',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> meta(content='http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HelloWorld.x3d',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> meta(content='http://X3dGraphics.com/examples/X3dForAdvancedModeling/HelloWorldScenes',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> meta(content='http://X3dGraphics.com/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter01TechnicalOverview/HelloWorld.x3d',name='identifier'),
>>> [echo]
>>> meta(content='http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/license.html',name='license'),
>>> [echo] meta(content='X3D-Edit 3.3,
>>> https://savage.nps.edu/X3D-Edit',name='generator'),
>>> [echo] # Alternate encodings: VRML97, X3D ClassicVRML
>>> Encoding, X3D Compressed Binary Encoding (CBE), X3DOM, JSON
>>> [echo] meta(content='HelloWorld.wrl',name='reference'),
>>> [echo] meta(content='HelloWorld.x3dv',name='reference'),
>>> [echo] meta(content='HelloWorld.x3db',name='reference'),
>>> [echo] meta(content='HelloWorld.xhtml',name='reference'),
>>> [echo] meta(content='HelloWorld.json',name='reference')]),
>>> [echo] Scene=Scene(
>>> [echo] # Example scene to illustrate X3D nodes and fields
>>> (XML elements and attributes)
>>> [echo] children=[
>>> [echo] WorldInfo(title='Hello World!'),
>>> [echo] Group(
>>> [echo] children=[
>>> [echo]
>>> Viewpoint(DEF='ViewUpClose',centerOfRotation=(0,-1,0),description='Hello
>>> world!',position=(0,-1,7)),
>>> [echo] # insert commas to test removal when converted to
>>> ttl
>>> [echo] Transform(DEF='TestWhitespaceCommas',rotation=(0,1,0,3),
>>> [echo] children=[
>>> [echo] Shape(
>>> [echo] geometry=Sphere(),
>>> [echo] appearance=Appearance(
>>> [echo]
>>> material=Material(DEF='MaterialLightBlue',diffuseColor=(0.1,0.5,1)),
>>> [echo]
>>> texture=ImageTexture(DEF='ImageCloudlessEarth',url=["earth-topo.png","earth-topo.jpg","earth-topo-small.gif","http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/earth-topo.png","http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/earth-topo.jpg","http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/earth-topo-small.gif"])))]),
>>> [echo] Transform(translation=(0,-2,0),
>>> [echo] children=[
>>> [echo] Shape(
>>> [echo] geometry=Text(DEF='TextMessage',string=["Hello","world!"],
>>> [echo] fontStyle=FontStyle(justify=["MIDDLE","MIDDLE"])),
>>> [echo] appearance=Appearance(
>>> [echo] material=Material(USE='MaterialLightBlue')))])])])
>>> [echo] ) # X3D model complete
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] ###############################################
>>> [echo] # Self-test diagnostics
>>> [echo] ###############################################
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] if metaDiagnostics(newModel): # built-in utility
>>> method in X3D class
>>> [echo] print(metaDiagnostics(newModel))
>>> [echo] print('check newModel.XML() serialization...')
>>> [echo] newModelXML = newModel.XML() # test export method XML()
>>> for exceptions
>>> [echo] # print(newModelXML) # debug
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] print ("python x3d.py load successful for HelloWorld.py")
>>> [echo] ===========================================
>>> [echo] Loading local x3d.py package in python to check for
>>> correctness...
>>> [echo] then test HelloWorld.py execution and self-validation:
>>> [echo] python examples/HelloWorld.py
>>> [exec] Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> [exec] File "examples/HelloWorld.py", line 21, in <module>
>>> [exec] from x3d import *
>>> [exec] ImportError: No module named x3d
>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>> [echo] convert.X3dToPython.xslt conversion of HelloWorld.x3d to
>>> HelloWorld.py complete.
>>> [echo] ===========================================
>>> [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource
>>> net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties. It could not be found.
>>> set.local.PYTHONPATH:
>>> [echo] local.PYTHONPATH=x3d
>>> examples.SmokeTests:
>>> [echo] Run PythonX3dSmokeTests.py in python using local build
>>> of Python x3d package
>>> [echo] python examples/PythonX3dSmokeTests.py
>>> [exec] File "examples/PythonX3dSmokeTests.py", line 50
>>> [exec] print ('SFBool isValidSFBool(test)=' +
>>> str(isValidSFBool(test)), flush=True)
>>> [exec] ^
>>> [exec] SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>> [echo] test.X3dToPython.SmokeTests complete.
>>> [echo] ===========================================
>>> [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource
>>> net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties. It could not be found.
>>> examples.BackgroundCollection:
>>> [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource
>>> net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties. It could not be found.
>>> set.local.PYTHONPATH:
>>> [echo] local.PYTHONPATH=x3d
>>> convert.X3dToPython.xslt:
>>> [echo] ===========================================
>>> [delete] Deleting
>>> /c/x3d-code/www.web3d.org/x3d/stylesheets/python/examples/BackgroundCollection.py
>>> [echo] ===========================================
>>> [echo] convert.X3dToPython.xslt conversion of
>>> BackgroundCollection.x3d to BackgroundCollection.py complete.
>>> [echo] ###############################################
>>> [echo] #
>>> [echo] # Now available: developmental python x3d.py package on
>>> PyPi for import.
>>> [echo] # This approach greatly simplifies Python X3D
>>> deployment and use.
>>> [echo] # https://pypi.org/project/x3d
>>> [echo] #
>>> [echo] # Installation:
>>> [echo] # pip install x3d
>>> [echo] # or
>>> [echo] # python -m pip install x3d
>>> [echo] #
>>> [echo] # Developer options for loading x3d package:
>>> [echo] #
>>> [echo] # from x3d import * # preferred approach, terser
>>> source that avoids x3d.* class prefixes
>>> [echo] #
>>> [echo] # or
>>> [echo] # import x3d # traditional way to subclass
>>> x3d package, all classes require x3d.* prefix
>>> [echo] # # but python source is very
>>> verbose, for example x3d.Material x3d.Shape etc.
>>> [echo] # # X3dToPython.xslt stylesheet
>>> insertPackagePrefix=true supports this option.
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] from x3d import *
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] ###############################################
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] newModel=X3D(profile='Interchange',version='3.3',
>>> [echo] head=head(
>>> [echo] children=[
>>> [echo] meta(content='BackgroundCollection.x3d',name='title'),
>>> [echo] meta(content='Collection of example Background nodes
>>> for author reuse, browse by selecting corresponding
>>> viewpoints.',name='description'),
>>> [echo] meta(content='28 December 2014',name='created'),
>>> [echo] meta(content='20 October 2019',name='modified'),
>>> [echo] meta(content='Don Brutzman',name='creator'),
>>> [echo]
>>> meta(content='https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/UniversalMediaPanoramas',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> meta(content='https://www.web3d.org/x3d/tooltips/X3dTooltips.html#Background',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> meta(content='https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/enveffects.html#Background',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> meta(content='https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/enveffects.html#Concepts',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> meta(content='https://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter11-LightingEnvironment.pdf',name='reference'),
>>> [echo]
>>> meta(content='https://x3dgraphics.com/examples/X3dForAdvancedModeling/Visualization/BackgroundCollection.x3d',name='identifier'),
>>> [echo]
>>> meta(content='https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/license.html',name='license'),
>>> [echo] meta(content='X3D-Edit 3.3,
>>> https://savage.nps.edu/X3D-Edit',name='generator')]),
>>> [echo] Scene=Scene(
>>> [echo] children=[
>>> [echo] WorldInfo(title='BackgroundCollection.x3d'),
>>> [echo] Group(DEF='AllLandBackgrounds',
>>> [echo] children=[
>>> [echo]
>>> Background(DEF='BlueSkyWhiteHorizonBrownLand',groundAngle=[1.309,1.5708],groundColor=[(0.5,0.3,0.3),(0.5,0.3,0.3),(0.5,0.4,0.4)],skyAngle=[1.309,1.572],skyColor=[(0,0.2,0.7),(0,0.5,1),(1,1,1)]),
>>> [echo]
>>> Viewpoint(DEF='BlueSkyWhiteHorizonBrownLandViewpoint',description='Blue
>>> Sky White Horizon Brown Land'),
>>> [echo]
>>> ROUTE(fromField='isBound',fromNode='BlueSkyWhiteHorizonBrownLandViewpoint',toField='set_bind',toNode='BlueSkyWhiteHorizonBrownLand')]),
>>> [echo] Group(DEF='AllSeaBackgrounds',
>>> [echo] children=[
>>> [echo]
>>> Background(DEF='BlueOceanWhiteHorizon',groundAngle=[1.309,1.570796],groundColor=[(0,0.3,.7),(0,0.35,0.75),(0,0.4,0.8)],skyAngle=[1.309,1.571],skyColor=[(0,0.3,0.8),(0,0.5,1),(1,1,1)]),
>>> [echo]
>>> Viewpoint(DEF='BlueOceanWhiteHorizonViewpoint',description='Blue
>>> Ocean White Horizon'),
>>> [echo]
>>> ROUTE(fromField='isBound',fromNode='BlueOceanWhiteHorizonViewpoint',toField='set_bind',toNode='BlueOceanWhiteHorizon'),
>>> [echo]
>>> Background(DEF='OvercastSkyBlueOcean',groundAngle=[0.1,1.5,1.56,1.570796],groundColor=[(0,0,0),(0,0.1,0.2),(0,0.1,0.2),(0,0.15,0.3),(0.1,0.1,0.1)],skyAngle=[0.1,1.4,1.5,1.565,1.57079],skyColor=[(0.1,0.1,0.1),(0.2,0.2,0.2),(0.2,0.2,0.2),(0,0.3804,0.4784),(0,0.2,0.4),(0.4,0.4,0.4)]),
>>> [echo]
>>> Viewpoint(DEF='OvercastSkyBlueOceanViewpoint',description='Overcast
>>> Sky Blue Ocean'),
>>> [echo]
>>> ROUTE(fromField='isBound',fromNode='OvercastSkyBlueOceanViewpoint',toField='set_bind',toNode='OvercastSkyBlueOcean'),
>>> [echo]
>>> Background(DEF='BlueSkyBlueOcean',groundAngle=[1.57079],groundColor=[(0,0.15,0.25),(0,0.15,0.25)],skyColor=[(0,0.3,0.5)]),
>>> [echo]
>>> Viewpoint(DEF='BlueSkyBlueOceanViewpoint',description='Blue Sky Blue
>>> Ocean'),
>>> [echo]
>>> ROUTE(fromField='isBound',fromNode='BlueSkyBlueOceanViewpoint',toField='set_bind',toNode='BlueSkyBlueOcean')]),
>>> [echo] Group(DEF='AllSkyBackgrounds',
>>> [echo] children=[
>>> [echo] Background(DEF='SimplyWhite',skyColor=[(1,1,1)]),
>>> [echo] Viewpoint(DEF='SimplyWhiteViewpoint',description='Simply
>>> White'),
>>> [echo]
>>> ROUTE(fromField='isBound',fromNode='SimplyWhiteViewpoint',toField='set_bind',toNode='SimplyWhite'),
>>> [echo] Background(DEF='SimplyGrey',skyColor=[(0.8,0.8,0.8)]),
>>> [echo] Viewpoint(DEF='SimplyGreyViewpoint',description='Simply
>>> Grey'),
>>> [echo]
>>> ROUTE(fromField='isBound',fromNode='SimplyGreyViewpoint',toField='set_bind',toNode='SimplyGrey'),
>>> [echo] Background(DEF='SimplyDarkGrey',skyColor=[(0.4,0.4,0.4)]),
>>> [echo]
>>> Viewpoint(DEF='SimplyDarkGreyViewpoint',description='Simply Dark
>>> Grey'),
>>> [echo]
>>> ROUTE(fromField='isBound',fromNode='SimplyDarkGreyViewpoint',toField='set_bind',toNode='SimplyDarkGrey'),
>>> [echo] Background(DEF='SimplyBlack'),
>>> [echo] Viewpoint(DEF='SimplyBlackViewpoint',description='Simply
>>> Black'),
>>> [echo]
>>> ROUTE(fromField='isBound',fromNode='SimplyBlackViewpoint',toField='set_bind',toNode='SimplyBlack')]),
>>> [echo] Group(DEF='AllVarietyBackgrounds',
>>> [echo] children=[
>>> [echo]
>>> Background(DEF='BackgroundTest1',groundAngle=[1,1.4,1.5],groundColor=[(0,0,0),(0.2157,1,0.1216),(0.5,0.5,0.5),(1,1,1)],skyAngle=[1,1.309,1.57079],skyColor=[(0,0,0),(0.1647,0.0588,1),(0.5,0.5,0.5),(1,1,1)]),
>>> [echo]
>>> Background(DEF='BackgroundTest2',groundAngle=[1,1.309],groundColor=[(0,0.3,.7),(0,0.35,0.75),(0,0.4,0.8)],skyAngle=[1.309,1.57079],skyColor=[(0,0.3,0.8),(0,0.5,1),(1,1,1)]),
>>> [echo]
>>> Background(DEF='BackgroundTest3',groundAngle=[1.57079],groundColor=[(0,0.15,0.25),(0,0.15,0.25)],skyColor=[(0,0.3,0.5)]),
>>> [echo]
>>> Background(DEF='BackgroundTest4',groundAngle=[1.57079],groundColor=[(0,0.15,0.25),(0,0.15,0.25)],skyColor=[(0,0.3,0.5)]),
>>> [echo] Viewpoint(DEF='ViewpointTest1',description='Test1'),
>>> [echo]
>>> ROUTE(fromField='isBound',fromNode='ViewpointTest1',toField='set_bind',toNode='BackgroundTest1'),
>>> [echo] Viewpoint(DEF='ViewpointTest2',description='Test2'),
>>> [echo]
>>> ROUTE(fromField='isBound',fromNode='ViewpointTest2',toField='set_bind',toNode='BackgroundTest2'),
>>> [echo] Viewpoint(DEF='ViewpointTest3',description='Test3'),
>>> [echo]
>>> ROUTE(fromField='isBound',fromNode='ViewpointTest3',toField='set_bind',toNode='BackgroundTest3'),
>>> [echo] Viewpoint(DEF='ViewpointTest4',description='Test4'),
>>> [echo]
>>> ROUTE(fromField='isBound',fromNode='ViewpointTest4',toField='set_bind',toNode='BackgroundTest4')]),
>>> [echo] Group(DEF='UnboundViewpoints',
>>> [echo] # The final two viewpoints are not separately
>>> bound and can be selected to check any of the other Background nodes
>>> [echo] children=[
>>> [echo] Viewpoint(description='Looking up at current
>>> Background zenith',orientation=(1,0,0,1.570796)),
>>> [echo] Viewpoint(description='Looking down at current
>>> Background nadir',orientation=(1,0,0,-1.570796))])])
>>> [echo] ) # X3D model complete
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] ###############################################
>>> [echo] # Self-test diagnostics
>>> [echo] ###############################################
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] if metaDiagnostics(newModel): # built-in utility
>>> method in X3D class
>>> [echo] print(metaDiagnostics(newModel))
>>> [echo] print('check newModel.XML() serialization...')
>>> [echo] newModelXML = newModel.XML() # test export method XML()
>>> for exceptions
>>> [echo] # print(newModelXML) # debug
>>> [echo]
>>> [echo] print ("python x3d.py load successful for
>>> BackgroundCollection.py")
>>> [echo] ===========================================
>>> [echo] Loading local x3d.py package in python to check for
>>> correctness...
>>> [echo] then test BackgroundCollection.py execution and
>>> self-validation:
>>> [echo] python examples/BackgroundCollection.py
>>> [exec] Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> [exec] File "examples/BackgroundCollection.py", line 21, in
>>> <module>
>>> [exec] from x3d import *
>>> [exec] ImportError: No module named x3d
>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>> [echo] convert.X3dToPython.xslt conversion of
>>> BackgroundCollection.x3d to BackgroundCollection.py complete.
>>> [echo] ===========================================
>>> Total time: 5 seconds
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