[x3d-public] [CfP] Call for Participation. DIS for X3DOM, X_ITE

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sat Jan 23 22:44:44 PST 2021

I'd like to add "multiuser-aware" DIS to X3DOM and X_ITE, per this 
section of the X3D V3.3 standard (or we can go with X3D4 if there's  a 


I have used open-dis-python, open-dis-javascript, and 
node-disnetworkclient, so I think the only thing left is to define HTML5 
browser to/from node.js DIS enabled server (or python server, if you 

Christoph, could you do a write-up based on open-DIS of the technologies 
we could use in HTML5 browser to/from DIS sender/receiver gateway?  I 
suggest we start with X_ITE and work on fully implementing the DIS nodes 
there.  We may need to send the address and port from the HTML5 browser 
to the DIS sender/receiver (gateway).  I am not really sure what to do 
to handle multiple DIS ports and addresses on a page.  Something to 
think about in this case.  I don't know if the address/port is in the 
PDUs or not.  Someone can answer that?

Do we need a DIS protocol which transmits addresses and ports? Seems 
like X3D does that?   How is DIS-EXI doing?

Can we get xmlpg support for possibly adding addresses and ports to 
PDUs? How do we route to HMTL5 browsers?

I suggest we reimplement https://github.com/open-dis/DISWebGateway in 
javascript or python, so installs aren't a pain.   And if we go an 
XML/JSON route for browser to DIS network communication, we use EXI 

There should probably be one person writing the back end and one person 
writing the front end.

Are there similar efforts?  Christoph has shown an interest in planning,



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