[x3d-public] X3D and VRML for multiuser worlds

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sun Jan 24 20:41:50 PST 2021

I'd like to talk a bit about publish/subscribe.

My message queuing (is this the same as publish/subscribe? Why did they 
change the name?  Message queuing is the implemention, and pub/sub is 
the design pattern?) is limited to JMS, AQ and a bit of ActiveMQ.  Why 
can't we just install ActiveMQ and connect to a web browser (somehow?)?  
Is the problem such that we need security for the MQ? Or that MQ systems 
get filled with messages that no one is subscribed to?

Here's a site for open source queuing software:


Here are the message queuing standards, including MQTT and not including 
JMS, which is java specific.


Can we find one more suitable for X3D, perhaps, like I could publish my 
avatar to a repository, and people could subscribe to big changes of my 
avatar (not just motion)?

On 1/4/21 10:25 PM, Cecile Muller wrote:
> Good morning (and happy new year !),
> If you want to build something multi-users, nowadays I'd recommend 
> MQTT: it's not specific to 3D,
> so you'd still need to create the application on top of it, but you 
> could reach both applications and webapps
> with it (it can even run on low-end devices), and it's a proper 
> documented standard.
> Mosquitto on a small linux server is enough to get started,
> or you could use something like PubNub to not worry about scaling the 
> backend.
> See you,
> Cecile
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