[x3d-public] X3D meeting agenda 22 July 2021: playing small ball to win big games (reference "Moneyball")
John Carlson
yottzumm at gmail.com
Thu Jul 22 23:22:22 PDT 2021
I was confused as to the actual date of the meeting. Subject should have
On Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 8:40 PM Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) <
brutzman at nps.edu> wrote:
> We are meeting tomorrow at regular coordinates (found on web3D calendar)
> at 10-1100 pacific time.
> Multiple topics:
> 1. Plans for C, C++, C# development
What plans are there for a kind of i18n stylesheet or DTD, such that one
could add a Foo language specific DTD, and the X3dToFoo.xslt stylesheet
could be generated? Can we accomplish something in X3D-Edit?
> 1. Multitexture validation missing
> ComposedCubeMapTexture|GeneratedCubeMapTexture|ImageCubeMapTexture
Yep, XML output is messed up from X3DJSAIL last I checked. I don’t
think it’s limited to CubeMaps. Potentially this I a combinatorial or
nested problem if not all sides are required. I suggest a warning. This
is a feature of Ajv >= 7 I think.
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