[x3d-public] ANN: Article on X3DOM editor on ReactOS

vmarchetti at kshell.com vmarchetti at kshell.com
Mon May 17 13:04:21 PDT 2021

This may be a useful implementation for some:

A developer-oriented article "A basic X3DOM editor based on OpenGL running on ReactOS"
see https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5300647/A-basic-X3DOM-editor-based-on-OpenGL-running-on-Re <https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5300647/A-basic-X3DOM-editor-based-on-OpenGL-running-on-Re> 

Have to admit I'm not sure of the significance, mostly due to my ignorance of significance/ purpose for ReactOS

Vince Marchetti

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