[x3d-public] X3DJSONLD/src/main test.py and testjschon.py

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Tue Nov 23 19:44:34 PST 2021

I'm having a bit of problem with my python program test.py (I think this 
is due to file paths to schema) and testjschon.py (freezes).

Anyone who wants to dig into these issues, let me know. 
etgenerateJSONschema2020-12.py where I generate paths in schemas is in 
same folder (X3DJSONLD/src/main/python).

I'm going to relax for a bit.  I think the solution for the later may be 
to not swallow the entire file system into memory, or some such.

How do you free memory in python?


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