[x3d-public] Prototype failure - Schematron confusing error message.

roy.walmsley at gmail.com roy.walmsley at gmail.com
Fri Nov 26 08:17:35 PST 2021

Thanks Vince,


Actually, in the file, it is. I think the copying  process to my e-mail has automatically converted it to HTML, with a link, and lost the quotation marks. That line is (with careful copying, this time!)


          <ImageTexture DEF='Alabaster' url='"images/Alabaster.jpg" "http://localhost/images/Alabaster.jpg"'/>




From: vmarchetti at kshell.com <vmarchetti at kshell.com> 
Sent: 26 November 2021 15:44
To: roy.walmsley at gmail.com; X3D-Public <x3d-public at web3d.org>
Cc: X3D-Public <x3d-public at web3d.org>
Subject: Re: [x3d-public] Prototype failure - Schematron confusing error message.


While I don't know if this is a cause of the problem, I do notice that the XML value of the @url attribute of ImageTexture element is not valid XML encoding of MFString; as the 2nd attribute http...ster.jpeg is not enclosed in quotes.


Great to hear from you, Roy


Vince Marchetti


On Nov 26, 2021, at 10:17 AM, <roy.walmsley at gmail.com <mailto:roy.walmsley at gmail.com> > <roy.walmsley at gmail.com <mailto:roy.walmsley at gmail.com> > wrote:




I’m trying to generate an X3D kitchen cupboard door design, using a prototype, so I can get it to draw any size of door. I have the method in theory, but not in practice…


So, to try to resolve my failure, I downloaded the latest X3D-Edit standalone software for Windows. I then checked my X3D file, and the Schematron section gave me the following messages (and only these two messages):


<ProtoInstance name='AshfieldDoor' DEF=''> <fieldValue name='doorSize' value='0.597 0.597'/> has matching ProtoDeclare with same name, but no corresponding field match for this fieldValue name='AshfieldDoor' [/X3D/Scene/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[1], error]

<ProtoInstance name='AshfieldDoor' DEF=''> <fieldValue name='doorAppearance' value=''/> has matching ProtoDeclare with same name, but no corresponding field match for this fieldValue name='AshfieldDoor' [/X3D/Scene/ProtoInstance/fieldValue[2], error]


For reference: Here’s my ProtoInstance:


    <ProtoInstance name='AshfieldDoor'>

      <fieldValue name='doorSize' value='0.597 0.597'/>

      <fieldValue name='doorAppearance'>



          <ImageTexture DEF='Alabaster' url='"images/Alabaster.jpg" http://localhost/images/Alabaster.jpg'/>





And here’s my ProtoDeclare /  ProtoInterface:


    <ProtoDeclare name='AshfieldDoor'>


        <field name='doorSize' accessType='inputOutput' type='SFVec2f' value='0.297 0.297'/>

        <field name='doorAppearance' accessType='inputOutput' type='SFNode'>


            <Material diffuseColor='1 0 0'/>





What’s going on with the Schematron? Why does it think I have fieldValue name=’AshfieldDoor’ ? Is this a Schematron problem? Or a problem with my file?





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