[x3d-public] Blender import/export status.

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sat Oct 23 23:44:51 PDT 2021

Here is a program which presents an overview of bpy.data:


import bpy

# export data API from bpy
def recurse(obj, prefix):
         for d in dir(obj):
                 if not d.startswith("__"):
                 if not d.startswith("__") and not d in ["_bpy", "_os", 
"depsgraph", "owner", "denominator", "imag", "numerator", "real", 
"bl_rna", "rna_type", "original"] and not d.startswith("xx") and not 
d.startswith("yy") and not d.startswith("zz") and not d.startswith("xy") 
and not d.startswith("xz") and not d.startswith("yx") and not 
d.startswith("yz") and not d.startswith("zx") and not d.startswith("zy"):
                                 recurse(eval(prefix+"."+d), prefix+"."+d)
                         except AttributeError:

recurse(bpy.data, "bpy.data")


I'm hoping that this, in addition to documentation can lead to a good 
path to follow.  I already see that there's some cleanup of the program 
to do.

Save and run "export.py" as I call it, with the command:

blender --background --python export.py

Please report any problems you see.


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