[x3d-public] ECMAScript 6 X3D API

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sun Oct 31 21:40:42 PDT 2021

//  Here is the converted JoeExample.mjs for you, Joe:

'use strict';

import fs from 'fs';
import { X3D } from './x3d.mjs';
import { SFString } from './x3d.mjs';
import { SFNode } from './x3d.mjs';
import { head } from './x3d.mjs';
import { MFNode } from './x3d.mjs';
import { meta } from './x3d.mjs';
import { Scene } from './x3d.mjs';
import { Script } from './x3d.mjs';
import { field } from './x3d.mjs';
import { Shape } from './x3d.mjs';
import { Appearance } from './x3d.mjs';
import { Material } from './x3d.mjs';
import { SFColor } from './x3d.mjs';
import { Sphere } from './x3d.mjs';
import { Sound } from './x3d.mjs';
import { SFFloat } from './x3d.mjs';
import { AudioClip } from './x3d.mjs';
import { SFTime } from './x3d.mjs';
import { MFString } from './x3d.mjs';
import { TouchSensor } from './x3d.mjs';
import { ROUTE } from './x3d.mjs';
var X3D0 =  new X3D({

       version : new SFString("3.0"),
       profile : new SFString("Immersive"),
       head : new SFNode(
         new head({
           meta : new MFNode([
             new meta({
               name : new SFString("filename"),
               content : new SFString("Scripting.x3d")})])})),
       Scene : new SFNode(
         new Scene({
           children : new MFNode([
             new Script({
               DEF : new SFString("OpenVault"),
               field : new MFNode([
                 new field({
                   type : field.TYPE_SFTIME,
                   name : new SFString("openVault"),
                   accessType : new SFString(field.ACCESSTYPE_INPUTONLY)}),

                 new field({
                   type : field.TYPE_SFBOOL,
                   name : new SFString("combinationEntered"),
                   accessType : new SFString(field.ACCESSTYPE_INPUTONLY)}),

                 new field({
                   type : field.TYPE_SFTIME,
                   name : new SFString("vaultUnlocked"),
                   accessType : new SFString(field.ACCESSTYPE_OUTPUTONLY)}),

                 new field({
                   type : field.TYPE_SFBOOL,
                   name : new SFString("unlocked"),
                   value : new SFString("false"),
                   accessType : new 
ecmascript:eval (0

       , function combinationEntered (value) {

         unlocked = value;


       , function openVault(value) {

       if (unlocked) vaultUnlocked = value;


             new Shape({
               appearance : new SFNode(
                 new Appearance({
                   material : new SFNode(
                     new Material({
                       diffuseColor : new SFColor([1,0,0])}))})),
               geometry : new SFNode(
                 new Sphere({}))}),

             new Sound({
               maxBack : new SFFloat(1000),
               maxFront : new SFFloat(1000),
               minBack : new SFFloat(1000),
               minFront : new SFFloat(1000),
               source : new SFNode(
                 new AudioClip({
                   DEF : new SFString("Click"),
                   stopTime : new SFTime(1),
                   description : new SFString("clicking sound"),
                   url : new MFString(["click.wav"])}))}),

             new TouchSensor({
               DEF : new SFString("TS")}),

             new ROUTE({
               fromNode : new SFString("TS"),
               fromField : new SFString("isOver"),
               toNode : new SFString("OpenVault"),
               toField : new SFString("combinationEntered")}),

             new ROUTE({
               fromNode : new SFString("TS"),
               fromField : new SFString("touchTime"),
               toNode : new SFString("OpenVault"),
               toField : new SFString("openVault")}),

             new ROUTE({
               fromNode : new SFString("OpenVault"),
               fromField : new SFString("vaultUnlocked"),
               toNode : new SFString("Click"),
               toField : new SFString("startTime")})])}))});

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