[x3d-public] A few suggestions from the Python API (x3d.py)

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 14:10:44 PST 2022

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On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 10:24 AM Hans Moritz Guenther <hgunther at mit.edu>

> Hi,
> I'm starting to use the x3d.py library to generate x3d output. I'm very
> much a Python programmer using what people call the "scientific stack" in
> Python (the libraries numpy, scipy, pandas, etc.) with very little
> experience in 3D visualization or web-programming.
> I understand that you autogenerate the programming language API from the
> X3DOUM, but I do not know which, if any, of the comments generalize to the
> APIs in other programming languages or which ones are specific to the
> Python implementation in x3d.py.
> For a little bit of background, I'm an astronomer and one of the things I
> do is ray-tracing of the designs for new space-based observatories. It is
> then very useful to have some form of output that allows me to put images
> of how the instrument looks and what path the photons take into
> presentations or on the web. As it turns out, X3D is a great format for
> that, see e.g. https://space.mit.edu/home/guenther/ARCUS/3Dview.html
> <https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fspace.mit.edu%2Fhome%2Fguenther%2FARCUS%2F3Dview.html&data=04%7C01%7Cbrutzman%40nps.edu%7Cdb2b534b2a804d7bfdd208d9ea4aeafa%7C6d936231a51740ea9199f7578963378e%7C0%7C0%7C637798431440614306%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C2000&sdata=%2FT7oRCpoMKrtbHjscVH9lQp%2FBP070YtGI6t4TF%2BPoL0%3D&reserved=0>
> In that past, I've generated the X3D output through a python package called
> mayavi (https://docs.enthought.com/mayavi/mayavi/
> <https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.enthought.com%2Fmayavi%2Fmayavi%2F&data=04%7C01%7Cbrutzman%40nps.edu%7Cdb2b534b2a804d7bfdd208d9ea4aeafa%7C6d936231a51740ea9199f7578963378e%7C0%7C0%7C637798431440614306%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C2000&sdata=CdLWWXcET8e3si%2BUjGRjAkGfv2TvSQ9KKIlM9bc66oA%3D&reserved=0>)
> but that is a rather heavy dependency for this very limited purpose. So,
> I'm trying to convert to use your x3d.py library instead.
> First, let me thank you for your effort to make x3d.py at all. In general
> it works great!
> I'd like to mention a few glitches I've run into so far:
> - IndexTriangleSet: Coordinates are given as a list of tuples [(x1, y1,
> z1), (x2, y2, y3), ...]. I think that makes sense. It orders stuff in a
> natural way and is easy to understand. However, the index needs to be given
> as a flat list [ind11, ind12, ind13, ind21, ind22, ind23, ...]. Since there
> are three indices per triangle, I think the same list of tuples as for the
> coordinates would make more sense [( ind11, ind12, ind13), (ind21, ind22,
> ind23) ...]. I've not checked if the same thought applied to e.g. the
> IndexedFaceSet etc. I'm still pretty new to this and can't claim to know
> all relevant nodes.
> - the __init__.py file. The file is present, but not correct. It lists all
> the classes in __all__ but does not actually import them. Thus, that can't
> actually be used.
> In [1]: import x3d
> In [2]: x3d.IndexedTriangleSet
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
> <ipython-input-2-93a98d5f0414> in <module>
> ----> 1 x3d.IndexedTriangleSet
> Instead, I need to use "x3d.x3d". That's of course possible but a little
> cumbersome.
> In [4]: import x3d.x3d
> x3d.py package loaded, have fun with X3D Graphics!
> In [5]: x3d.x3d.IndexedTriangleSet
> Out[5]: x3d.x3d.IndexedTriangleSet
> I think all that's missing is the following line in the __init__.py
> from x3d import *
> which will import everything that's defined in x3d.py into the __init__.py
> namespace and than the user an get it from "import x3d" which gives you the
> names defined in x3d/__init__.py
> - Python usually makes heavy use of duck-typing (you can use any object as
> long as it behaves as you expect) instead of explicit "isinstance" checks.
> A lot of numerical computations in Python are done using the numpy (
> https://numpy.org
> <https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnumpy.org%2F&data=04%7C01%7Cbrutzman%40nps.edu%7Cdb2b534b2a804d7bfdd208d9ea4aeafa%7C6d936231a51740ea9199f7578963378e%7C0%7C0%7C637798431440614306%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C2000&sdata=DgLaPPURD5FLJTT9FnjaglzyPNA9oeH93qpXmJIcHvM%3D&reserved=0>)
> library, which implements array-based math and is optimized in C. Numpy has
> datatypes that are essentially similar to Python int but fail an isinstance
> check, and I can pass those in some, but not all places in x3d.py. Here is
> an example that fails:
> ~/mambaforge/envs/kitchensink/lib/python3.10/site-packages/x3d/x3d.py in __init__(self, ccw, colorPerVertex, index, normalPerVertex, solid, color, coord, fogCoord, normal, texCoord, attrib, DEF, USE, IS, metadata, class_, id_, style_)
>   48191         self.ccw = ccw
>   48192         self.colorPerVertex = colorPerVertex
> > 48193         self.index = index
>   48194         self.normalPerVertex = normalPerVertex
>   48195         self.solid = solid
> ~/mambaforge/envs/kitchensink/lib/python3.10/site-packages/x3d/x3d.py in index(self, index)
>   48230         if  index is None:
>   48231             index = MFInt32.DEFAULT_VALUE()
> > 48232         assertValidMFInt32(index)
>   48233         assertNonNegative('index', index)
>   48234         self.__index = index
> ~/mambaforge/envs/kitchensink/lib/python3.10/site-packages/x3d/x3d.py in assertValidMFInt32(value)
>    2622         if not isinstance(each, int):
>    2623             # print(flush=True)
> -> 2624             raise X3DTypeError('MFInt32 list has contained value=' + str(each) + ' with type=' + str(type(each)) + ' which is not a valid int')
>    2625     if not isValidMFInt32(value):
>    2626         # print(flush=True)
> X3DTypeError: MFInt32 list has contained value=1 with type=<class 'numpy.int64'> which is not a valid int
> There is an easy workaround:
> x3d.IndexedTriangleSet(index = [int(x) for x in myindex]
> but it would be nice if IndexedTriangleSet accepted my numbers directly.
> There are several ways of doing that, but the easiest is probably to change line 2622 to:
> if not int(x) == x:
> That will work for any object that can be converted to an int, including
> numpy, python decimal, fraction, ..
> - Numpy: One might consider taking numpy arrays directly, i.e. instead of
> x3d.Coordinate(point=[(x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, y3), ...])
> one could do
> x3d.Coordinate(point=arr)
> where arr is a (3, n) numpy array. Now, if done naively that would require
> numpy as a dependency to x3d.py and it's probably good to avoid that.
> However, there are ways to accept numpy arrays without requiring numpy.
> That's a little more involved, but can be done (for example using
> decorators or a separate module (x3d.numpy_interface) or separate package
> (x3d-numpy)). Not sure if it's worth the effort at this point - that
> depends on what your future plans for this package are and how fast this is
> developing.
> - Changelog. From the pypi entry and the docs on
> https://www.web3d.org/x3d/stylesheets/python/python.html it was not quite
> clear to me how stable the package is or where I would see changes listed,
> for example, if you do the change that I suggested above (accepting index
> values as tuples instead of a flat list) that would break the interface.
> Would you do that? Where would I find a list of changes from one version to
> another?
> - Jupyter notebook: The Jupyter notebook seems like an ideal tool for work
> with X3D in Python, since it is rendered on the web and can display any web
> output. Here is a simple addition of a `_repr_html_`method to the Scene
> class in the x3d.py that will render any valid scene with no additional
> effort to the screen. Sure, the header is a little simplistic, but it's
> just a quick way to look at what your are specifying. Since I did not want
> to edit x3d.py itself, I simply made a new class that inherits from the
> x3d.Scene, but it would obviously be even easier if this was part of x3d
> itself. See
> http://nbviewer.org/github/hamogu/x3d-experiements/blob/main/Scence_for_notebook.ipynb
> for an example and note how the X3D output at the bottom is not just a
> screenshot, but a live output that your can zoom and rotate with your
> mouse, even though the notebook is not running live, but instead you just
> see the rendered output of what I run some time in the past on my laptop.
> (I admit that this is a naive implementation and it might be useful to add
> a few <meta> or <WorldInfo> nodes. Also, maybe Scene is not the best node,
> or not the only node, where to define this functionality, but it seems to
> work well.)
> class Scene(x3d.Scene):
> js_source = 'https://www.x3dom.org/download/x3dom.js'
> css_source = 'https://www.x3dom.org/download/x3dom.css'
> dimension_px = (600, 400)
> def _repr_html_(self):
> return(f"""
> <html>
> <head>
> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
> <script type='text/javascript' src='{self.js_source}'> </script>
> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='{self.css_source}'></link>
> </head>
> <body>
> <x3d width='{self.dimension_px[0]}px' height='{self.dimension_px[1]}px'>
> {self.XML()}
> </x3d>
> </body>
> </html>
> """)
> Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help with this awesome
> package, that really makes generating X3D from Python so much simpler
> already.
> Yours,
> Moritz
> --
> Hans Moritz Günther
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research77 Massachusetts Avenue <https://www.google.com/maps/search/77+Massachusetts+Avenue?entry=gmail&source=g>
> NE83-569
> Cambridge, MA 02139hgunther at mit.eduhttps://space.mit.edu/home/guenther/
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