[x3d-public] gltf inspired binary storage

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 03:46:44 PST 2022

Hi Joe,

> Can we also compare this with Hanim Displacer operation (target displacements of mesh and weights driven by 0 to 1 scale input) ?

>From what I understand,

- H-Anim Displacer means that you animate a (subset) of coordinates of the mesh.
- Which is equivalent in Blender to using a "hook" attached to a
vertex group. Useful e.g. to animate a jaw, or eye area, to make
facial expressions -- when you want to morph a mesh, but usually only
a small subset of the mesh changes by a particular animation.
- From what I understand this is equivalent to glTF morph target
animation with "Sparse Accessors",

> Can the glTF change number of points in a shape during the course of an animation?

No. Morph targets just change the coordinates' positions. Number of
points, as well as their topology (how they connect to polygons)
always stays the same.


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