[x3d-public] VRM Consortium Inc. and VRM file format

Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) brutzman at nps.edu
Tue Apr 4 07:19:52 PDT 2023

Wondering if anyone knows these people (or their avatars) and their format?



*	https://vrm-consortium.org/en
*	https://vrm.dev


VRM Consortium, 
a general incorporated association 
dedicated to developing 
and disseminating the "VRM" file format for 3D avatars.

Established April 24, 2019.

Main Features

Platform-independent handling of humanoid character 3D model data

*     Based on the 3D standard format glTF2.0, with additional constraints
and extensions for handling humanoid models which make it easy to implement.

*     All data, including textures and materials, can be handled in a single

*     There are standard configurations for elements such as scale (1.00 =
1m), coordinate system and orientation (Y-up, -Z), bone structure (Unity
Humanoid compliant configuration, T-stance, no local rotation for each
bone), etc., which are all unaffected by differences in modeling tools.

*     Various techniques for handling "character expressions" such as Blend
Shape and material transparency are absorbed by the VRM side, and can be
operated with a unified API.

*     Support for "information for reproducing the first-person perspective"
for avatars in VR

*     A standard, customizable implementation for "shaking objects"
independent of the physics engine, such as character hair.

*     Materials (shaders) available as standard implementations. In addition
to the standard PBR, toon shading and Unlit rendering can also be

*     Meta-information such as title and author name, as well as
avatar-specific license information, can be included.

Modification and redistribution rules (Creative Commons, etc.) can be set
for the model data itself.

Permission to use model data to "play a character" can be specified.



all the best, Don


Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br       brutzman at nps.edu

Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA  +1.831.656.2149

X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics, data


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