[x3d-public] JSON as a text node

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sun Apr 9 15:03:28 PDT 2023

When i say text node, I mean HTML text node (no tags or attributes).

On Sun, Apr 9, 2023 at 4:35 PM Joseph D Williams <joedwil at earthlink.net>

> Right, hopefully json is not text it covers wide ranges, from
> author-defined data structures as alternate encodings for nodes and fields,
> through  gltf for defined feature architectures, to fully processed binary
> blobs of the above and also beyond. Whatever it is  it is a uri and with
> backups for a uri target that is a spec or best known practice json, or
> adhering to whatever gltf or blob  standards may evolve for the benefit of
> x3d. Any json is packaged x3d, derived directly from x3d user code.
> Of course it is a quick fix to hook this authortime intention for what may
> be processed runtime binary data and/or actually just marked-up text is
> just too simple. So, there may be a shape node in one file and some
> animation(s) in file(s), all binaried up for compactness and  security. So,
> some point I want to export from x3d to a jsonized runtime form. Then at
> delivery, I want to import that stuff and run it and it should be like it
> was before I exported it.
> So, please recognize this json stuff as a realistic alternative encoding
> for x3D. The jsonization of x3d.  Just like for xml and classic, ought to
> be able to define at authortime for runtime import of any of these
> encodings. When I wish to publish, then I want to use standardized features
> of a web3D browser that allows me to use the full feature sets of x3d
> current and to fully exploit the defined features of x3d and maximize
> extensions of shared authoring and delivery produced by the json markup and
> structuring. And, its great providing of the gltf and other vulcanized
> blobbery.
> However, going forward this might mean a drastic and basic change for x3d
> in terms of validation. It may be that the json data may not be expressable
> at authortime as human-readable and  xml- validated text, and me not want
> to read json markup or binary forms except for recreation, so maybe no
> large user item. You just type in the uri to the jsonized x3d data files
> run the thing then hope you don’t get some failures and warnings that
> actually mean that you did not fully understand the runtime contents of
> your authortime choice.
> The potentially large user item is that certain of these forms may not be
> able to be read and understood by anybody but the author. Right now, the
> easiest way to hide your x3d scene and event graphs is to deliver a video.
> Literally no trace of your actual x3d user code is directly retrievable.
> With json and some standardized forms as imports it may also be that the
> readable and thus editable authortime is no longer available directly.
> So, to me the first use is me exporting some jsonized x3d, in standard
> forms. I have a scene graph with animations and I want to deliver parts of
> it in some json text/binary form. Next I want to deliver the x3d to user
> and import those files at point of interaction.
> Thanks for All,
> Joe
> *From: *John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com>
> *Sent: *Friday, April 7, 2023 9:38 PM
> *To: *Andreas Plesch <andreasplesch at gmail.com>; Holger Seelig
> <holger.seelig at yahoo.de>; X3D Graphics public mailing list
> <x3d-public at web3d.org>
> *Subject: *[x3d-public] JSON as a text node
> I did notice that X_ITE now accepts JSON scenes as text nodes inside the
> x3d-canvas node?  Pointer(s) to example(s) welcome!
> Also, is X3DOM on top of this?  What do we think about JSON in a text node
> as opposed to as an Inline URL?  Should I file a feature request?
> I’m hoping we are not checking all text nodes for JSON?
> Concerned…but happy!
> John
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