[x3d-public] FW: Announcement of INCITS Achievement Awards Recipients

Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) brutzman at nps.edu
Sat Apr 22 13:49:39 PDT 2023

Congratulations to Dr. Dick Puk of Intelligraphics Inc. for receiving the
INCITS Technical Excellence Award for 2023. This award recognizes his
visible and significant technical contributions to the work of the INCITS H3
committee (nationally and Internationally), namely as ISO convenor and
editor for the Extensible 3D (X3D) and Humanoid Animation (HAnim)
International Standards.

all the best, Don


Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br        brutzman at nps.edu

Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA    +1.831.656.2149

X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics https://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman


From: active_committee_members at standards.incits.org
<active_committee_members at standards.incits.org> On Behalf Of Lynn Barra
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2023 12:24 PM
To: Lynn Barra <lbarra at itic.org>
Subject: Announcement of INCITS Achievement Awards Recipients



INCITS Achievement Awards Recipients

The INCITS Awards Program began in 1992 to provide an opportunity for the
INCITS community to acknowledge and recognize those participants that have
provided technical expertise and exhibited effective committee management.
INCITS recognizes the significant achievements and dedication of the
technical experts to the standards development activities nationally and

We congratulate the recipients for their continued dedication and


INCITS Merit Award 

This Award is presented to:

*     Jim Melton, Boray Data Technology Company

*     John Messina, Department of Commerce - NIST

to recognize their more than 10+ year as a member with significant
contributions to at least two international SCs or WGs in a technical
contributor or leadership role and demonstrated continuous support for the
work of INCITS.


INCITS Service Award 

This award is presented to:

*     Paul Anderson, HP Inc.

*     Gary Verdun, Dell Inc.

to recognize their outstanding service to the INCITS organization through
committee work or duties during the past year.


INCITS Technical Excellence Award 

This is an award presented to: 

*     Richard Puk, Intelligraphics Inc.

*     Henry Wong, International Technological University 

to recognize their visible and significant technical contributions to the
work of the TC (nationally or Internationally).


INCITS Award for Exceptional International Leadership

This award is presented to:

*     Greg Cannon, Amazon Web Services

*     Jay Taylor, Jewell-Taylor Consulting

to recognize their exceptional leadership of an international committee.



INCITS Team Award

This award is presented to:

*     Data Management -
Expert Group on SQL Extensions (for) Property Graphs

Mike Bowers, FairCom USA Corporation
Frank Celler, ArangoDB Inc.
Tobias Lindaaker, DataStax Inc.
Alin Deutsch, TigerGraph
Peter Furniss, Neo4j Inc.
Finbar Good, Neo4j Inc.
Alastair Green, Neo4j Inc.
Keith Hare, Neo4j Inc.
Victor Lee, TigerGraph
Bei Li, Google
Romans Kasperovics, SAP
Leonid Libkin, RelationalAI Inc.
Zhen Hua Liu, Oracle
Jeff Lovitz, Redis Labs
Joshua Meekhof, Optum Technology
Stefan Plantikow, Neo4j Inc.
Petra Selmer, Neo4j Inc.
Oskar van Rest, Oracle
Hannes Voigt, Neo4j Inc.
Mingxi Wu, TigerGraph
Fred Zemke, Oracle
Calisto Zuzarte, IBM Corporation
Roshan Dathathri, Katana Graph
Nathalie Charbel, Neoj4 Inc.

to recognize their exceptional leadership of an international committee.



INCITS Lifetime Achievement Award

This award is presented to two teams:

*     David Singer, Apple

to recognize his long-time commitment to INCITS and its national and
international standardization activities.


700 K Street NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20001

&reserved=0> www.INCITS.org


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