[x3d-public] Seed for a project

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Sat Aug 12 09:13:23 PDT 2023

Here's the seed for a Java (possibly X3D-Edit) project. A graph/grid editor.


I was thinking of adding:

 JSON/XML/VRML/BVH/MediaPipeHolistic/JavaSerialized/OpenUSD  I/O, beyond

There seems to be a slight issue with input right now, at least with the
sort* input files in Impact.java

Make a copy of a file externally before modifying in the tool, there's no
way to save to another file currently in Impact.java.

The goals are:

1) provide a way to convert X3D nodes and ROUTEs to BVH with animation.
This will require converting routes/segments over time to translations and
rotations. Help is requested.

2) provide a way to visualize ROUTEs with Java (anyone else have something?)

3)  provide different naming convention for different I/O

4) take input from MediaPipe Holistic (Python) and convert to BVH.

5) provide a way to debug X3D events in Java.

There are already 2 different visualizations. I hope to add more.  One
(Cell4x4) is based on Jed Donnelly's graphics (see images folder) scanned
from his Impact project (hence the name). I would like to use this with
permission, but I haven't heard from him.  The Java is mine, based on his
original idea (not his or other's code).

Note that I haven't tested the Cell.java program much recently.
Impact.java is what Jed called the "Flow" or "Floweth" language, but his
idea was to create a textual language.  But a challenge is making the 2
visualizations to work together.  The textual language will be implemented
in X3D/BVH. I don't have a reason to create a new language, nor do I want

Note that I already have the idea for "Inlines" or expanding nodes into
another window.  I'm not sure how well it's implemented.  I'm not sure
about I/O of nested nodes right now.

This seems like a lot of fun, and maybe even useful, as opposed to X3D JSON.

Ant and Makefiles provided.  Not gradle. Too many garbage files to worry
about iwith gradle--I'm not sure why they have all of them. If someone
wants to provide maven or gradle, that would be cool. Ant is okay in Git
for Windows.  If I have to fall back to Makefiles, I can use Cygwin.

Any problems, file an issue with
https://github.com/coderextreme/impact.dir/issues.  There's one waiting for
you to close, Jed.

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