[x3d-public] Limit to # of chained sensors?

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Wed Aug 23 05:15:50 PDT 2023

Yes, I understand that.   What should I use instead?

I will try stopTime, but I probably tried that.

Note that this is generated code

On Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 3:39 AM Holger Seelig <holger.seelig at yahoo.de>

> I think there is logic bug in your code, if all browsers do the same. If I
> look below in your code, what you have posted here, I see that you use
> cycleTime to connect to startTime, but cycleTime will be generated an event
> at the beginning of each cycle, even for the first cycle.
> >A cycleTime event is generated at the beginning of every cycle, including
> the cycle starting at startTime.
> This mean in turn you will start all TimeSensors at once.
> Best regards,
> Holger
> --
> Holger Seelig
> Leipzig, Germany
> holger.seelig at yahoo.de
> https://create3000.github.io/x_ite/
> Am 23.08.2023 um 04:23 schrieb John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com>:
> Also X3DOM does 4-5 TimeSensors in a row.  I can start in the middle, and
> it does another set.  Just 2 sets.
> Weird.
> On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 7:42 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
>> This appears to be of more general interest, so I am forwarding to others.
>> I am trying dead simple animation chaining, with one time sensor chaining
>> into another...nothing really complex yet, though I've tried
>> ScalarInterpolators, BooleanSequencers, event utilities, etc.
>> Even simpler would be setting startTime and stopTime directly in the
>> TimeSensors.  Should I do that?
>> Is this the right approach, or should I attempt something more difficult
>> with event utilities that people keep talking about?
>> Browsers of interest: FreeWRL, view3dscene, X_ITE all do 4-5 animations,
>> not the whole cycle.  Is there a limit in the standard? That would be
>> likely?
>> There are no loops yet, so only 1 TimeSensor should be running once you
>> activate the Everything_Touch TouchSensor.
>> Thanks!
>> John
>> On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 7:00 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Michalis, Joe,
>>> Is there a limit to the number of chained animations in view3dscene?,
>>> say I have 11 TimeSensors with 11 animations, running one after the other?
>>> I'm only seeing 4-5 active at a time.  This is important, because I have 4
>>> characters.
>>> I've been messing with the Animations panel, to see what's possible.
>>> I'm guessing I should have a single TimeSensor, that sends to a
>>> ScalarInterpolator, but this is dead simple animation. It looks like only
>>> 4-5 can be active at a time. Is there a better architecture I can use?
>>> Here's the essentials:
>>> $ cat takes.Lily.t*
>>> DEF Lily_Stand010Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 2.6999999999999997
>>> loop FALSE enabled TRUE startTime 1 } # 2.6999999999999997 - 0
>>> DEF Lily_Stand011Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 0.6000000000000001
>>> loop FALSE enabled TRUE } # 3.3 - 2.6999999999999997
>>> DEF Lily_Stand012Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 3.45 loop FALSE
>>> enabled TRUE } # 6.75 - 3.3
>>> DEF Lily_Run013Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 6.300000000000001 loop
>>> FALSE enabled TRUE } # 13.05 - 6.75
>>> DEF Lily_Turn014Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 3.4499999999999993 loop
>>> FALSE enabled TRUE } # 16.5 - 13.05
>>> DEF Lily_Walk015Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 2.3999999999999986 loop
>>> FALSE enabled TRUE } # 18.9 - 16.5
>>> DEF Lily_Walk016Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 3 loop FALSE enabled
>>> TRUE } # 21.9 - 18.9
>>> DEF Lily_Skip017Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 3.6000000000000014 loop
>>> FALSE enabled TRUE } # 25.5 - 21.9
>>> DEF Lily_Stand018Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 1.5 loop FALSE enabled
>>> TRUE } # 27 - 25.5
>>> DEF Lily_Stand019Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 3 loop FALSE enabled
>>> TRUE } # 30 - 27
>>> DEF Lily_Stand0110Timer TimeSensor { cycleInterval 0 loop FALSE enabled
>>> TRUE } # 0 - 30
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Stand010Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Stand011Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Stand012Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Run013Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Turn014Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Walk015Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Walk016Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Skip017Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Stand018Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Stand019Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Everything_Touch.touchTime TO Lily_Stand0110Timer .stopTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Stand010Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Stand011Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Stand011Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Stand012Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Stand012Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Run013Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Run013Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Turn014Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Turn014Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Walk015Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Walk015Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Walk016Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Walk016Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Skip017Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Skip017Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Stand018Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Stand018Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Stand019Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Stand019Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Stand0110Timer.startTime
>>> ROUTE Lily_Stand0110Timer.cycleTime TO Lily_Stand010Timer.startTime
>>> Pulling my hair out,
>>> John
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