[x3d-public] Refreshing an old couple of flowers

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Thu Aug 24 12:25:52 PDT 2023

I am trying to get my file through QA in X3D-Edit.  My file is attached.  I
got through a few problems, but I'm stuck on these.  This would be an
example better done in a shader.  I've done that. When I was first working
on this file, I was told that I was keeping 2 copies around.  I didn't get
that.   Maybe it still does that. Perhaps doing a particle system would be



Performing X3D Schematron check...
<ProtoInstance name='orbit' DEF=''> <fieldValue name='translation'
value='-8 0 0'/> with defined type='SFVec3f' accessType='inputOutput' has
default value and so this fieldValue is optional
[/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[1], hint]
<ProtoInstance name='orbit' DEF=''> <fieldValue name='translation'
value='-8 0 0'/> has matching ProtoDeclare with same name, but no
corresponding field match for this fieldValue name='translation'
[/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[1], error]
<ProtoInstance name='orbit' DEF=''> <fieldValue name='diffuseColor'
value='1 0.5 0'/> with defined type='SFColor' accessType='inputOutput' has
default value and so this fieldValue is optional
[/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[2], hint]
<ProtoInstance name='orbit' DEF=''> <fieldValue name='diffuseColor'
value='1 0.5 0'/> has matching ProtoDeclare with same name, but no
corresponding field match for this fieldValue name='diffuseColor'
[/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[2], error]
<ProtoInstance name='orbit' DEF=''> <fieldValue name='specularColor'
value='1 0.5 0'/> with defined type='SFColor' accessType='inputOutput' has
default value and so this fieldValue is optional
[/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[3], hint]
<ProtoInstance name='orbit' DEF=''> <fieldValue name='specularColor'
value='1 0.5 0'/> has matching ProtoDeclare with same name, but no
corresponding field match for this fieldValue name='specularColor'
[/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[3], error]
<ProtoInstance name='orbit' DEF=''> <fieldValue name='transparency'
value='0.75'/> with defined type='SFFloat' accessType='inputOutput' has
default value and so this fieldValue is optional
[/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[4], hint]
<ProtoInstance name='orbit' DEF=''> <fieldValue name='transparency'
value='0.75'/> has matching ProtoDeclare with same name, but no
corresponding field match for this fieldValue name='transparency'
[/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[1]/fieldValue[4], error]
<ProtoInstance name='orbit' DEF=''> <fieldValue name='translation' value='8
0 0'/> has matching ProtoDeclare with same name, but no corresponding field
match for this fieldValue name='translation'
[/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[1], error]
<ProtoInstance name='orbit' DEF=''> <fieldValue name='diffuseColor'
value='0 0.5 1'/> has matching ProtoDeclare with same name, but no
corresponding field match for this fieldValue name='diffuseColor'
[/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[2], error]
<ProtoInstance name='orbit' DEF=''> <fieldValue name='specularColor'
value='0 0.5 1'/> has matching ProtoDeclare with same name, but no
corresponding field match for this fieldValue name='specularColor'
[/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[3], error]
<ProtoInstance name='orbit' DEF=''> <fieldValue name='transparency'
value='0.5'/> has matching ProtoDeclare with same name, but no
corresponding field match for this fieldValue name='transparency'
[/X3D/Scene/Group/ProtoInstance[2]/fieldValue[4], error]
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