[x3d-public] Transforming a humanoid in X3DJSAIL/x3d.py

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 00:53:23 PDT 2023

What I’m trying to say is:  setScale, setTransform, setScale are
inadequate.  What one wants is applyScale, applyRotation,
applyTransform—like doing animation on the scenegraph in X3DJSAIL.

I’m not sure what the abstract SAI does.

I think that HAnimDisplacers may be meant for this, but the documentation
is currently inadequate in X3DJSAIL to be usable.  I don’t get it!

Do i need a displacer near every joint?

Thanks for listening!


On Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 2:30 AM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:

> Would X3DJSAIL or x3d.py include libraries to transform a HAnim Humanoid?
> This would be an important addition/example.  I know Joe has been pushing
> me in this direction.
> I’m still trying to get to the point where I can take JSON (or XML) as
> input to …, transform it, and output XML or JSON.
> I’m not going to write matrix multiplication code in XSLT if I can help it.
> Supporting JSON input is important to me.  I realize that i can create
> Java or Python code with a stylesheet, and then modify it.  What good
> matrix libraries work with X3DJSAIL or x3d.py? Or are they built in?
> This is important because we are getting VRML code out of tools which
> aren’t HAnim, and we can probably transform them to HAnim.  WIP.
> I do not know if DOM is adequate for doing Matrix multiplication, but I
> think we should be able to do the transforms anywhere in the scenegraph,
> not just DOM.
> It’s not a really a matter of I/O, it’s a matter of processing.
> I’m going to go look at X3DJSAIL documentation now.
> Thanks for listening!
> John
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