[x3d-public] xhtml example not escaping "<"

Andreas Plesch andreasplesch at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 06:47:02 PDT 2023


is the x3dom version linked from

There is a parsing error because the description contains a "<" character:

                  <span class="webfont">This test attempts to draw an
Extrusion using the minimum required number of points. The number of
points in crossSection * number of points in spine <= 2500 (100 * 25 =
2500). The test should generate a "U" shaped like extrusion.</span>

This "<" character would need to be replaced with an XML character entity <

The documentation html for the iframe does use the character entity
for the description:


There may be other example descriptions with "<" or ">" characters.


Andreas Plesch
Waltham, MA 02453

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