[x3d-public] Transforms -> HAnimJoints
GPU Group
gpugroup at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 11:36:33 PDT 2023
John, that's great we'll need you.
I haven't worked on the blender exporter in weeks, you are welcome to start
that HAnim export part if you like.
Right now I'm struggling to load .bvh files at random with bvhacker
https://github.com/DaveDubUK/bvhacker as a cleaning tool. There are lots
of recorded bvh motion files to download and use. But even bvhacker needs
work -- for example ensuring Y-UP (blender exports .bvh Z-UP), mapping to
HAnim LOA names/selecting the right LOA, ARMS_DOWN default pose.
For example when using a T-pose .bvh file (the T geometry is recorded in
the OFFSETs field and angles are relative to that pose) on an ARMS_DOWN
HAnim, the shoulder/arm rotations aren't correct. BVHacker does some
channel swapping X--Y, but similar technique in freewrl doesn't work
reliably (yet).
SUMMARY: I'm in the same zone with the hanim transforms but stuck back a
few steps in getting freewrl to play a .bvh with good shoulder animation.
So stuck for a while but open to coordinating with you on HAnim and blender
On Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 12:21 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
> Doug,
> I have some code I've been working on that converts VRML Transforms
> with DEFs to HAnimJoints. Maybe we should collaborate on Hanim Blender
> export. I'm also looking for something that will apply transforms to joint
> centers, if you have something tested and separate from FreeWRL.
> Thanks,
> John
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