[x3d-public] TimeSensor Control

Joe D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Wed Aug 30 18:09:05 PDT 2023

<TimeSensor DEF='GBTimer' cycleInterval='100' loop='false' enabled='false' />

<BooleanSequencer DEF='GBTimerControl' 
key='0 1'
keyValue='true false' />

<ROUTE fromField='fraction_changed' fromNode='GBTimer' toField='set_fraction' toNode='GBTimerControl'/>
<ROUTE fromField='value_changed' fromNode='GBTimerControl' toField='enabled' toNode='GBTimer'/>

What combination of parameters so I need to get this to just Run Once then stop.
Seems like if I start with loop='false' it doesn't go. 
enabled true or false sent by control does nothing 


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