[x3d-public] Table for animators. X3D-Edit?

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 11:17:52 PDT 2023

On Thu, Aug 31, 2023 at 11:57 AM Joe D Williams <joedwil at earthlink.net>

> > How might we address parts of the body?
> > Mocap interface…
> You might have to:
> * Read bvh bones and find appropriate hanim joints

Don has a BVH converter in X3D-Edit.   I’m hoping I can salvage at least my
JavaScript.  I’m not expecting or wanting to salvage Perl at this point. It
would be better to write a VRML parser for JAX-B, similar to how JAX-B and
Jackson work together.  I think, or use XML with JAX-B.  Sorry, I’m not
going the SAX or DOM way right now.

Are there newer things available for Java?  My knowledge dates from 2012.
I don’t want to write Java web server code any time soon.

> * Find default before animation pose.
> ** For hanim, the default is I pose, 0 0 0 between feet facing +Z in+Zout
> space.

I have info from your hierarchy in JSON, just need to import/export with
JAX-B/Jackson.  Or write the VRML parser above.   I’ll need a data model
for JAX-B.

** For bvh, the default pose before animation may be I or A or T or
> whatever the animation author chose. It may be the first frame of the
> supplied animation.

This is a data problem.  The task is to find the data to extract a skeleton

> * Determine coordinate system of given bvh dimensions

This is bvhacker

**  The hanim model is +Zout right hand rule facing +z  (out of screen
> toward viewer), +y is up, and +x to model left.
I’m not writing an animation tool,  i can’t compete with the big guys.

>  **  The bvh model might be drawn and dimensioned in alternative +Zin left
> hand rule, facing -z with +y up and +x to model left.

Bvhacker probably

> * Test skeleton using animations designed for hanim standard basic +Zout
> models.
my brain hurts

> * Test skeleton using supplied bvh animation.
> ** Given the simple comparison of hanim standard vs bvh possible and maybe
> typical skeleton, then may find that bvh animations use left-hand rule for
> axis rotations while hanim uses right-hand rule for axis rotations. Simple
> experiments can appear that either or both of right-hand/left-hand
> coordinate reversal and/or of axis-rotation reversal.
> * If animation is interesting, Salvage what ever you can to add to the
> animation library.

You want a pipeline for  converting BVH?  That wasn’t my dream.

I just want to build a simple way to output output chaining VRML code,
based on knowledge I’ve gained.  Make it easier for the next person.  After
that, maybe tweening or whatever it’s called.

> Thanks,
> Joe
> make skeleton visible by adding geometry
> apply (converted of standard) animations and see what happens
> oseconvert to joints
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com>
> Sent: Aug 31, 2023 8:37 AM
> To: Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) <brutzman at nps.edu>, Carol McDonald <
> cemd2 at comcast.net>, Joe D Williams <joedwil at earthlink.net>, Norbraten,
> Terry (CIV) <tdnorbra at nps.edu>, X3D Graphics public mailing list <
> x3d-public at web3d.org>
> Subject: Table for animators. X3D-Edit?
> Row would be:
> Character
> Location x
> Location y
> Location z
> Time start (from 0..1)
> Time (cycle) interval
> Orientation axis x
> Orientation axis y
> Orientation axis z
> Orientation degrees
> Type of move (run, skip, jump, etc) - pulldown+add
> Customize animation button or web-based file download.
> Check box to select
> Move up
> Move down.
> And save checked, check all, open, delete check and add # of rows.
> Fun stuff!  I’m guessing web would be better than Java.  What do you think?
> I’m expecting Excel has something!
> Thanks to Carol and Joe for the idea.
> How might we address parts of the body?
> Mocap interface…
> John
> On Thu, Aug 31, 2023 at 9:58 AM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a dream, to create a web page or X3D-Edit control where you put in
>> 0..1 timing key frames, cycleInterval for each, and type of move (select
>> pull down for now), and all the initial animation control code gets
>> generated.  And one can save the animation configuration in one’s project
>> for later regeneration.  One or more characters per table.   And if you
>> want to create custom routes for an animation, that gets saved too.
>> What type of GUI toolkit does X3D-Edit use?  I’m hoping it has something
>> like JTable and can be used standalone initially.
>> I just realized what J stands for.
>> John
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