[x3d-public] [x3d] X3D working group meeting: charter review for 2024, minutes 1 DEC 2023

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Fri Dec 1 11:07:08 PST 2023

On Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 12:10 PM Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) <
brutzman at nps.edu> wrote;

>    1. Blender and MeshLab updates:  much progress has been percolating,
>    but the story can be told better to help others understand (and maybe
>    contribute too).
I will try to describe what I and Doug have been working on, per the
Blender updates. Doug took the old x3d/wrl plugin added some glTF goodness
in the UI, and ported from XML output to x3d.py output to enable more
“encodings.”  I took that and added HAnim Joints (including pseudo sites
and segments),  HAnim animation, skinCoordIndexes, and skinCoordWeights, in
addition to pre-existing skin mesh export.

Additional work includes the possibility of constructing Segments from
bones, and adding joints between segments, but we may need to include LOA
values to get the right joints.  Sites should come from Blender, too.  I
would also like to provide HAnimMotion as an option to interpolators, but
this is still in incubation.  The HAnimMotion code originally came from the
BVH addon, and we customized it for X3D and derived the interpolator code
from the HAnimMotion code.

All this is under the io_scene_x3dv folder under Doug and my accounts on
github, for example:
eventually, we plan for this to appear on the Web3dConsortium repository.

>    1.
>    - Blender 4.0 released (but with a change to lighting model) so some
>    changes are expected, and further testing is welcome.
>    - https://www.blender.org
> i haven’t seen any difference in the already existing plugins from 3.6, so
expect lights to fail on export until we get the 4.0 Blender exporters
working.  More news on this is welcome, and coordination between exporters
is also welcome.

I am stepping back a bit from Blender to work on animation examples.  The
WS project emphasizes export from additional industry tools like Maya and
C4D.  We’re hoping to take animation exports from these tools and convert
to Classic VRML.   A side tool I am considering will take animations from
the archive and allow users to accomplish transformations on the
animations, such that the animations will match up with the skeleton/skin.
I think Andreas has done some work on XML in this area?
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