[x3d-public] [...] HAnim2 X3D4 BoxMan update

Patrick Dähne pdaehne at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 03:05:08 PST 2023

> Am 05.01.2023 um 03:33 schrieb Joseph D Williams <joedwil at earthlink.net>:
> 	• Classic VRML does not allow to declare ROUTEs inside MFNode fields. Move them outside.
> There may be other x3d Statements and some rules, but I don’t see any spec language for what you describe regarding ROUTE.

The (only) relevant part of the „Classic VRML encoding“ spec is „Annex A: Grammar“:


The grammar is written in Backus-Naur form. It is the „Scheme“ of classic encoding. Have a look at the rule „mfnodeValue“. You won’t find the symbol „routeStatement“ on the right hand side of that rule.

ROUTEs are only allowed:

1. At the top level of the scene
2. Inside the node body (between fields)

In my opinion it does not make much sense to forbid ROUTEs inside MFNode fields, and I am actually surprised that someone implemented it such strictly.



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