[x3d-public] JSON for SAI: X3DJSONLD -> X3DJSONLS?

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Mon Jan 23 22:34:48 PST 2023

What do people think about a program that would take JSON file and load it
into an SAI scene?

Would this be more useful than loading JSON into a DOM document?

Would the program be called X3DJSONLS (load scene)?

I’m thinking we may lose a few things like DOM validation, so we would rely
on SAI validation (which should be generated from X3DUOM—separately).

Which browsers support SAI?

Please realize with X3DJSONLD.js, I was trying to include both X3DOM
(deprecated, stunted SAI) and X_ITE.

Can someone review X3DJSONLD.js and “document” references and provide a
porting guide from DOM to SAI?  Even better, provide a parallel

Is there an equivalent to element.setAttribute in SAI?


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