[x3d-public] v4 Sound > spec recommendation > remove gain field except from Gain node

GPU Group gpugroup at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 08:22:46 PST 2023

web3d v4 draft specs > Sound component
Recommendation: remove gain field except from Gain node

I wasn't part of the deliberations on sound component. And am early in
implementation And with Draft cycles tapering if I'm going to say something
I should say it soon.

While implementing v4 sound nodes I see a gain field in many of the nodes
which isn't in the web audio equivalent nodes.
When implementing, I can pair a gain node internally and connect, to
implement the gain field.
DISBENEFIT: doubles the number of audio nodes and connections in the audio
graph which may affect performance, and with no clear benefit other than
occasional convenience.

Web audio expects scene designers to parent a Gain node when needed. And
web3d v4 specs have a Gain node, so could follow web audio protocols, and
parent a Gain node where needed.
For historical purposes Sound node has intensity. In v4 a gain fields was
added. To implement internally a pair a Gain node and connect, and set the
gain to intensity * gain. In other words, we don't need 2 fields doing the
same thing. Intensity is sufficient for backward compatibility.
If there were arguments in the discussions about convenience, then one
convenience point for built in coupling of gain node would be
AudioDestination -- on the final output.
It seems more appropriate to let the orthogonal Gain node do the job of
gain, and let other nodes do their job.

-Doug Sanden, Jan 25, 2023
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