[x3d-public] Would anyone like to see an update to X3DJSONLD tutorial?

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Mon Jul 3 01:31:16 PDT 2023

A lot has changed since this;


Let me know if people are interested in an update!  I'm at alpha 11 version
(lots has changed, but I'm still using backwards technology).


Contributions are welcome!

There are 2 problems to be solved before the website is rereleased;

1.  Loading a second, third, ... JSON file doesn't seem to work
2.  There's an issue with missing Metadata* nodes when XML is converted to
JSON, I'm going to update Saxon first to see if that's the issue!  If not
that, then I'll upgrade X3DJSONLD.js, I guess.  I'm going to see if my own
converter works first though!

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