[x3d-public] SLERP or LERP
Michalis Kamburelis
michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Tue Jul 25 03:04:17 PDT 2023
"HAnimJoint.rotation" is SFRotation, and the only interpolators in X3D standard
to animate SFRotation are
1. OrientationInterpolator . This indeed does SLerp.
Supported by pretty much all X3D browsers, used by a lot X3D
models to animate any rotations, also for "Transform.rotation".
2. SquadOrientationInterpolator. This does SQUAD interpolation.
Less often used and implemented, from what I see. I actually
never saw a real-life (not testcase) model using
SquadOrientationInterpolator, and I don't know who supports it
(CGE/view3dscene do not).
Both of those interpolators can be used to animate any SFRotation,
including "HAnimJoint.rotation" or "Transform.rotation".
wt., 25 lip 2023 o 07:43 Joseph D Williams <joedwil at earthlink.net> napisał(a):
> 19.4.6 OrientationInterpolator
> … An OrientationInterpolator interpolates between two orientations by computing the shortest path on the unit sphere between the two orientations. The interpolation is linear in arc length along this path. …
> So to me that means we are SLERP’n.
> Joe
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