[x3d-public] Report for now, JinLOA4Canonical.x3d scaling and recentering.

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 19:48:08 PDT 2023

// Working prototype code to find texCoordIndex values > length of

// You'll want to translate into your own language/encoding.  Only
works for IFS right now

let fs = require("fs");
let file = "JinLOA4Canonical.json";
let data = fs.readFileSync(file).toString();
let json = JSON.parse(data);
let divisor = [];
divisor[0] = scale[0];
divisor[1] = scale[1];
divisor[2] = scale[2];

//json.X3D.Scene["-children"][HUMANCHILD] =

let scale =
let center =

//delete json.X3D.Scene["-children"][HUMANCHILD+1];

let x = center[0];
let y = center[1];
let z = center[2];

function centering(json) {
for (let j in json) {
if (j === "@center") {
if (json["@name"] === "l_talocrural") {
l_x = json["@center"][0];
l_z = json["@center"][2];
y = json["@center"][1];
} else if (json["@name"] === "r_talocrural") {
r_x = json["@center"][0];
y = json["@center"][1];
r_z = json["@center"][2];
} else if (typeof json[j] === 'object') {

function transform(json, indent, parent, max, parentTranslation) {
let translation = [0,0,0];
for (let j in json) {
if (j === "@translation") {
json[j][0] = json[j][0] - x;
json[j][1] = json[j][1] - y;
json[j][2] = json[j][2] - z;
json[j][0] = json[j][0] / scale[0];
json[j][1] = json[j][1] / scale[1];
json[j][2] = json[j][2] / scale[2];
translation[0] = json[j][0] + parentTranslation[0];
translation[1] = json[j][1] + parentTranslation[1];
translation[2] = json[j][2] + parentTranslation[2];
json[j][0] = parseFloat(json[j][0].toFixed(4));
json[j][1] = parseFloat(json[j][1].toFixed(4));
json[j][2] = parseFloat(json[j][2].toFixed(4));
// delete json[j];
} else if (j === "@center") {
json[j][0] = json[j][0] - x;
json[j][1] = json[j][1] - y;
json[j][2] = json[j][2] - z;
json[j][0] = json[j][0] / scale[0];
json[j][1] = json[j][1] / scale[1];
json[j][2] = json[j][2] / scale[2];
json[j][0] = json[j][0] + parentTranslation[0];
json[j][1] = json[j][1] + parentTranslation[1];
json[j][2] = json[j][2] + parentTranslation[2];
json[j][0] = parseFloat(json[j][0].toFixed(4));
json[j][1] = parseFloat(json[j][1].toFixed(4));
json[j][2] = parseFloat(json[j][2].toFixed(4));
// console.log(json["@name"]);
// console.log(json["@center"][0].toFixed(4),
json["@center"][1].toFixed(4), json["@center"][2].toFixed(4));
} else if (j === "@centerOfRotation") {
json[j][0] = json[j][0] - x;
json[j][1] = json[j][1] - y;
json[j][2] = json[j][2] - z;
json[j][0] = json[j][0] / scale[0];
json[j][1] = json[j][1] / scale[1];
json[j][2] = json[j][2] / scale[2];
json[j][0] = json[j][0] + parentTranslation[0];
json[j][1] = json[j][1] + parentTranslation[1];
json[j][2] = json[j][2] + parentTranslation[2];
json[j][0] = parseFloat(json[j][0].toFixed(4));
json[j][1] = parseFloat(json[j][1].toFixed(4));
json[j][2] = parseFloat(json[j][2].toFixed(4));
} else if (j === "@position") {
json[j][0] = json[j][0] - x;
json[j][1] = json[j][1] - y;
json[j][2] = json[j][2] - z;
json[j][0] = json[j][0] / scale[0];
json[j][1] = json[j][1] / scale[1];
json[j][2] = json[j][2] / scale[2];
json[j][0] = json[j][0] + parentTranslation[0];
json[j][1] = json[j][1] + parentTranslation[1];
json[j][2] = json[j][2] + parentTranslation[2];
json[j][0] = parseFloat(json[j][0].toFixed(4));
json[j][1] = parseFloat(json[j][1].toFixed(4));
json[j][2] = parseFloat(json[j][2].toFixed(4));
} else if (j === "IndexedFaceSet") {
// console.log(json[j]);
if (json[j]["@texCoordIndex"]) {
var tci = json[j]["@texCoordIndex"];
// console.log(tci);
max = Math.max(...tci);
// console.log(max);

transform(json[j], indent+1, json, max, translation);
} else if (j === "@point") {
let i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < json[j].length; i+=3) {
if (!parent["TextureCoordinate"]) {
json[j][i+0] = json[j][i+0] - x;
json[j][i+1] = json[j][i+1] - y;
json[j][i+2] = json[j][i+2] - z;
json[j][i+0] = json[j][i+0] / scale[0];
json[j][i+1] = json[j][i+1] / scale[1];
json[j][i+2] = json[j][i+2] / scale[2];
json[j][i+0] = json[j][i+0] + parentTranslation[0];
json[j][i+1] = json[j][i+1] + parentTranslation[1];
json[j][i+2] = json[j][i+2] + parentTranslation[2];
json[j][i+0] = parseFloat(json[j][i+0].toFixed(4));
json[j][i+1] = parseFloat(json[j][i+1].toFixed(4));
json[j][i+2] = parseFloat(json[j][i+2].toFixed(4));
if (parent["TextureCoordinate"]) {
if (json[j].length/2 > 0 && json[j].length/2 <= max) {
console.log("point length", json[j].length, ", point length/2",
json[j].length/2, ", Max index", max);
} else if (typeof json[j] === 'object') {
transform(json[j], indent+1, json, max, translation);


x = (l_x + r_x) / 2;
z = (l_z + r_z) / 2;

console.log(x, y, z);

transform(json, 0, null, Math.INFINITY, [0,0,0]);

scale[0] = scale[0] / scale [0];
scale[1] = scale[1] / scale [1];
scale[2] = scale[2] / scale [2];

let out = JSON.stringify(json, null, 2);
let outfile = "JinLOA4Canonical101.json";
fs.writeFile(outfile, out, function(err) {
if(err) {
return console.error(err);

json = JSON.parse(data);
out = JSON.stringify(json, null, 2);
outfile = "JinLOA4Canonical100.json";
fs.writeFile(outfile, out, function(err) {
if(err) {
return console.error(err);

On Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 9:10 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:

> Here's the current JinLOA4Canonical101.x3d attached. Michalis, you will
> find a metadata problem if you launch it.  I was able to view in freewrl 4
> and 5. The viewpoint isn't right, suggestions welcome.  Joe, I haven't been
> able to delete the translations without major problems, I will call you
> tomorrow.
> Files are here for now:
> https://coderextreme.net/jin.zip
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