[x3d-public] Blender > Exporting rig transforms to HAnim?

Joseph D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Sat Jun 24 10:11:03 PDT 2023

➢ That's just not true.

Sorry, or rather That is Good. Just the last time I looked (long time) I thought I saw only time step and frames, and linear. To me it looked like encoding for bvh. Now I see:


Which shows that yes, you have a list of the key times that just have to be ascending. Default is  linear interpolation between keyvalues. Now new to me, I like the STEP option where value not interpolated but stays the same until next keyvalue change. For that effect, gltf makes it easier. I want that STEP option in x3d! And then there is also the cubic spline with specified tangents. Me want that one too. 
Thanks for correction, 

From: Michalis Kamburelis
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2023 3:31 PM
To: Joseph D Williams
Cc: GPU Group; X3D Graphics public mailing list
Subject: Re: [x3d-public] Blender > Exporting rig transforms to HAnim?

> Blender(?) and gltf (last I looked) animations only support fixed time steps for the interpolators.

That's just not true. Both Blender and glTF (just like X3D) support
arbitrary keys (times) that map to values. They are both consistent in
this regard with X3D "interpolator" concept (list of keys that map to
a list of key values, and the only requirement is that list of keys is
ascending; there can be varying distances between each key).

So they don't have to be fixed steps. It would indeed be very bad if
they limited animations' keys to fixed time steps, but they don't,
they never did. I rely on these Blender and glTF features every day :)

They (Blender and glTF) also both supports linear or curves for any


pt., 23 cze 2023 o 23:35 Joseph D Williams <joedwil at earthlink.net> napisał(a):
> The Blender->X3D exporter unfortunately doesn't support animations (of
> any kind - even simple transformations, not to mention skinning
> animation with H-Anim).
> Sorry to hear that. I have seen hints in Rhino that at least it would seem to support exporting x3d as a hierarchy of Transforms for the skeleton and hints that author could get the list of vertex bindings and weights, and other Bongo stuffs; even the magic of tweening could be available with several interp math choices.
> Regards,
> Michalis
> Continuing that x3d depends on these other GUI-driven authoring systems that use the same numbers for the same things as x3d but really do not care much about allowing the author to read and even edit their user code and may care even less about authoring a scene intended for realtime runtime in our WWW.
> All Best InOut,
> Joe
> czw., 22 cze 2023 o 18:16 GPU Group <gpugroup at gmail.com> napisał(a):
> >
> > If I make a skin and add a rig in Blender, on export, how do I get any rig transforms to export to HAnim along with the skin?
> > When I use the default x3d export, all I see is the skin in an IndexedFaceSet.
> > Thanks,
> > Doug
> >
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