[x3d-public] sound v4 > ListenerPointSource > Assumptions for Implementation

GPU Group gpugroup at gmail.com
Mon Mar 6 05:45:54 PST 2023

LPS - ListenerPointSource
SAD - StreamAudioDestination
AD - AudioDestination

Before implementing LPS ListenerPointSource I have 8 assumptions gleaned
from prose and some reasoning. Please let me know where I'm wrong




1. LPS works with SAD StreamAudioDestination(s), not with AD
AudioDestinations. (it needs streams)

2. LPS is a passive listener, and exerts no influence on the content of
SADs it uses (its pose has no influence on panners under SAD)

3. When LPS is paused or stopped, the stream content is lost (like muting
the TV you lose some of the conversation (versus pausing a video where you
can pick up where you left off). This elliminates the need for and
limitations of buffering streams or stalling SAD streams.)

4. An LPS can chose which SAD to listen to, and listen to more than one SAD
(I didn't see that written, but it would add value beyond a simple LP
ListenerPoint + AD AudioDestination combination where LP influces panner
nodes under AD)

5. Multiple LPS can listen to different SAD (versus all playing the same

6. the scenegraph transform stack above the LPS node is combined with
LPS.orientation and .position to form the pose of the LPS in world space,
which is used in its internal panner node(s). (if it uses just postion and
orientation, scene designers would need to manually add the transform stack
to .position and .orientation if not at the root level)

7. SAD.mediaDeviceID SFString is the key LPS refers to when chosing SAD(s)
for input (the SAD.streamIdentifier UUID should be outputOnly, its created
internally from a randomizer function in SAD implementation, and not
something a scene designer can type in, and therefore not something an LPS
can refer to at scene design time)

8. v4 LPS node is defective in not specifiying an MFString mediaDeviceIDs
for SAD selection
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