[x3d-public] X3D working group minutes 5 May 2023: conference plans, X3D4 glossary definitions in X3DUOM, CORS, Wikipedia X3D

Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) brutzman at nps.edu
Fri May 5 10:02:45 PDT 2023

Attendees: Anita Havele, Nicholas Polys, Dick Puk, Don Brutzman.


Here are our minutes for this week - steady progress in multiple directions.
All participation in our weekly meetings is welcome.


0.	Participation.  The X3D Working Group meets weekly on Fridays
09-1000 Pacific on Web3D Consortium zoom channel.  Telcon information:


*	https://zoom.us/j/148206572  Password 483805 
*	https://www.web3d.org/member/teleconference-information 



1.	X3D 2023 goals.  Our primary activities for X3D Working Group in
2023 are focused on broad and correct deployment.


a.	Encourage consistent rendering, interaction and usage for the many
tremendous capabilities in X3D4.
b.	Update ISO specifications and implementations for multiple
programming languages and file encodings to match X3D4.



2.	SIGGRAPH 2023 and Web3D 2023 conference planning updates


Continuing discussion on activities, dates, times, participation, and plans.


*	SIGGRAPH 2023, Los Angeles, 6-10 August
*	https://s2023.siggraph.org


*	Web3D 2023 Conference, Vicomtech San Sebastian Spain, 9-11 October
*	https://web3d.siggraph.org


Interesting event later this year:


*	X-Reality Safety Initiative (XRSI)
*	https://xrsi.org
*	Metaverse Safety Week, 10-15 December 2023, Where the World Comes
Together to Safeguard the Metaverse
*	X Reality Safety Initiative - XRSI - is viewed by many stakeholders
as a necessary component of proactively anticipating and addressing the
cybersecurity challenges faced by globally dispersed researchers when
establishing baseline standards and discovering novel cyber attacks in
emerging technologies.



3.	Related working group efforts.  Multiple excellent activities
continue progressing.  We'll briefly discuss overlapping efforts and any
support needed by X3D group.


a.	3D Web Interoperability exploratory group, Metaverse Standards Forum

*	https://metaverse-standards.org/domain-groups


3D Web Interoperability
Build consensus and draft a proposed Metaverse Standards Forum Domain
Working Group Charter for 3D Web Interoperability. The Working Group would
potentially enable the broadest possible interoperability of Metaverse
Content using the Web. To make the Metaverse fully interoperable with the
WWW and the Standards ecosystem in order to enable new Metaverse
capabilities to flourish on a strong foundation.


b.	Humanoid Animation (HAnim) and apparel modeling.  We are looking at
feature points, coveroids, example models etc.  The group is meeting
monthly, led by Myeong Won Lee and William Glascoe.  There is some overlap
with IEEE 3D Body Processing group too.

*	Humanoid Animation (HAnim) Working Group
*	https://www.web3d.org/working-groups/humanoid-animation-hanim 



4.	X3D4 definitions in X3DUOM.  The Metaverse Standards Registry (MSR)
group at MSF is looking at terminology.  This has positive potential for
clarity, interoperability, and semantic modeling.


Am thinking that we might do well to integrate X3D 4.0 glossary of
definitions as part of X3DUOM.  We will briefly discuss.


*	X3D 4.0 Architecture


*	X3D 4.0, Clause 3, Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviated terms


*	X3D Unified Object Model (X3DUOM)
*	https://www.web3d.org/specifications/X3DUOM.html
*	https://www.web3d.org/specifications/X3dUnifiedObjectModel-4.0.xml


As the above links show, X3DUOM already includes precise names and
definitions for every node, field and type in the X3D 4.0 International
Specification.  Adding our standardized nomenclature of terms seems like a
natural and useful addition.  For example:


*	3.1.62 - ROUTE
*	"connection between a node generating an event and a node receiving
the event"


In other words, the definition of ROUTE functionality is crisply defined and
not a matter of "what does Browser A do?  What does Browser B do?"


We may also find there are some terms which are not called out in the
glossary (but nevertheless defined in the specification) which we want to
add.  Speculating:

*	Behavior graph
*	Transformation graph
*	Scene graph is combination of Transformation graph and Behavior


We think this modest effort with glossary and X3DUOM is worth pursuing.
Having correct terms available in X3DUOM (and Java and Python and Turtle
and..) is helpful.  Identification of missing terms that we might want to
add is also worthwhile outcome that flows from regular scrutiny and usage.



5.	Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)


Recent discussion on public email lists has shown very interesting abilities
to edit X3D scenes within a browser, independently implemented by X3DOM and
X_ITE.  Impressive examples for X_ITE and X3DOM are available, thanks to
Holger Seelig and Andreas Plesch for tremendous results.  Their work should
be our baseline for broader best practices.


Spliced-together CORS example:




Some helpful information references are available on our hints page, more
are welcome.

*	X3D Scene Authoring Hints: CORS


This was first considered quite some time ago but never completed.
Hopefully this can be achieved in the near future, it is powerful.

*	[x3d-public] X3D minutes 24 April 2020: Cross-origin resource
sharing (CORS)


If we can get CORS support on web3d.org with reliable url patterns
respectively for X_ITE and X3DOM invocation test sites, I'll be happy to add
a pair of customized corresponding links to each index page for 4000+ models
in the online resources.

*	X3D Example Archives


Incidentally all versions of all files have recently been updated in .x3d,
.x3dv, .wrl, .java, .json, .py python, HTML documentation, X3DOM HTML5,
X_ITE HTML5, and .ttl Turtle for Semantic Web.   Am continuing deployment
testing of all open-source Web3D tools and configuration scripts.



6.	Wikipedia X3D. Should participation permit, we will continue careful
group review and improvement of the X3D page on Wikipedia, Nicholas leading.
Thanks for all issues and insights.


*	https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X3D


Anita points out the first section is longer than what Wikipedia usually
has, since readers want a simple summary first. We need to go through the
other sections first. We may have to schedule a special session or two.
further work expected.


We are walking down the long road, with confidence and progress.


No Web3D Member Confidential information is included in these minutes.


Have fun with X3D!  8)


all the best, Don


Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br        brutzman at nps.edu
<mailto:brutzman at nps.edu> 

Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA    +1.831.656.2149

X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics https://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman


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