[x3d-public] FW: tying the skin coordinates back to the skin index number

Joseph D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Fri May 26 14:20:46 PDT 2023

Please clarify how I can tell which skin index number is which skin coordinate point.   When I export from Rhino an x3dv file, the skin coordinates are labeled very nicely.  
Every 25 points has a # with the coord point number. I can directly tie the point back to the triangles and the skin index lists.  
coord Coordinate { point [
102.2750015258789 11.29990005493164 49.14369964599609, # coord point 0
108.3470001220703 9.661109924316406 48.05509948730469, 
However, in the x3d or x3dv files for any file that I have downloaded, except for Joe's easier to read file, the skin coordinate points are not labeled.  See attached JoeV1LOA3 file.  
My question is:  how can I tell which skin index number is tied to which skin coordinate x,y,z numbers? Is there a way to have a version of the Ru, Mi and Min that is easier to read version like JoeV1LOA3 file?  
I see that the TextureCoordinate points have their own x,y,z values.  How do those tie back to the skin coordinate points? Or like the joints are totally separate from the skin coordinates?  Do they have their own index # or not?  
I do like the way that different segments and their indexes are organized in Ru, Mi and Min, but it is the final step of linking the skin index to the skin coordinate x,y,z numbers that is not clear.  

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