[x3d-public] Web3D SPAIN 2023 Papers, Tutorials > suggestions

GPU Group gpugroup at gmail.com
Sun May 28 13:36:59 PDT 2023

Suggestions for topics for tutorials / demos / papers -- any of these look
appropriate, and if so can they be delivered by zoom or is on-site
attendance required?

1. Nvidia Omniverse + web3d hybrid

2. Makehuman2 + x3d export + AI assisted animation blending

3. freewrl WebView html + native hybrid so can run x3dom scenes in native
nodes and opengl 3+

4. visual regression testing (ie console_tester)

5. Tuples in x3d (like Script node with user-defined fields, except without
the script, and fields initializeOnly, and can be routed as SFNode)

6. softbody physics

7. HMD with webXR or openHMD, wand controllers

8. tensor heat flow component

9. cesium scene parsing

10. MIDI + web audio integration, nodes + integration

11. tutorial on web audio nodes

12. raytracing on mouse-up

13. humanoid-crowd particle animation

14. 'what's new with browser X' show & tell.

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