[x3d-public] Fw: basic instructions about X3D

Joseph D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Mon May 29 10:05:49 PDT 2023

Inline resonses

From: Christoph Valentin
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2023 8:47 AM
To: x3d-public at web3d.org
Subject: [x3d-public] Fw: basic instructions about X3D

➢ again, as text mail
Gesendet: Montag, 29. Mai 2023 um 17:38 Uhr
Von: "Christoph Valentin" <christoph.valentin at gmx.at>
An: x3d-public at web3d.org
Betreff: basic instructions about X3D

➢ Hi all,
➢ A friend asked me for advice about basic X3D knowledge.

OK, I am just answering for a friend who could not make it  to this list.  
➢ I have to admit, I am not sure what I should answer, so I have collected a few questions and hope for your answers :-)
➢ Q1: how do i brush up my website with 3d graphics, the easiest way (but it should be future proof)?

Look in the x3d archives and see some examples, then if any interesting get an x3d tool, there are various, and play with those examples, and other links will appear here. If you learned and html css and others then learn some more about points and triangles and lights in 3D. Yes, inx3d somewhere in the user code there are lots of numbers because in the end, you gotta tell it where and how each of those triangles and lights and viewpoints go, and how they are supposed to work. 
Future-proof is knowing that x3d can be read by humans. 

➢ Q2: the most recommended resources on the web (wikis, blogs, websites, social network pages (facebook, twitter, ...))?

Maybe this list or other specialized topic workgroups. 
Of course, please try the web3d.org website. 
There is a list of links to current and historical realtime interactive 3D graphics over the evolution of developed best practices for, well, standardizing the content and organization of user code describing geometry, lighting, sensors, internal and external communication interfaces, along with best of class realtime runtime.  
➢ Q3: the most recommended books / e-books?

Why not start with the standard? Look at the end of the abstract spec and lookand the codelist. If you see anything interesting then take a look at the user interface for the node. One thing  you can be sure of is that whatever is there describes ;standard’ stuff. This means that throughout the industry, x3d encoding of the data may be slightly different in name, the data under the covers is amazingly the same. I think this means that literally anything you learn about data components in x3d is basic to any approach you may see in general commercial 3D tools that are not free or are mainly designed for making videos or games. 

And Hey, the x3d already plays real fine either by itself or hosted a typical html/xhtml/dom webpage. 
➢ Thanks,
➢ Christoph

OK, thanks for asking. x3d is just a step in answering the question: (Looking around with great wonderment) How does all this get rendered in realtime?

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