[x3d-public] Proposal: sharedKeyDEF, sharedKeyUSE

John Carlson yottzumm at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 16:27:39 PDT 2023

Also note that it would also be possible to *not* share keys in a running
scene graph, and just run a preprocessor to copy the key field from the
first interpolator in a group to subsequent ones.

Both options should be considered.


On Mon, Oct 9, 2023 at 6:09 PM John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:

> Proposal to share keys between Interpolators to reduce file size.
> A big part of the increased file size for animations is the duplication of
> the key fields in Interpolators.  My proposal is to add two fields, a
> DEF-like field and a USE-like field to all? Interpolator definitions in the
> standard.
> The first interpolator in a shared key group would have a keyDEF field
> naming the group.  A shared key field would be specified in the first
> interpolator, but not subsequent interpolators.  Subsequent interpolators
> in the group would have a keyUSE field referring to the shared key group.
> Subsequent Interpolators would not have a key field.  A keyValue which is
> not shared would also be specified in all the interpolators.
> Different types of interpolators could share key values this way.
> This is already basically done for HAnimMotion, but HAnim lacks the
> nonlinear aspect of interpolator keys, which could be added to HAnimMotion
> if not there.
> This could be done with CSS class in HTML.
> John
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